part 12 ( everting sort out)

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Next day everyone was having breakfast but Anika was working. Then Arnav went to her and drags her to dining table.

Anika- bhai what was that, why did u drags me, u know na I have so much work to do.

Arnav- shant Meri jasi ki rani, and how much work will u do, just eat your breakfast and then do your work.

Anika- bhai I am not felling like having breakfast.

Arnav- why what happened, is everything is alright.

Ayan- ya, should we call doctor. 

Anika- relax guys, I am fine, just that I am little tired.

Arnav - anu go and rest, u r working from yesterday. And u haven't done your dinner or breakfast, so just go and rest. 

Anika- but bhai....

Arnav/Ayan- just goooo 

Anika - okkkkk 

(Guys sorry but I am not going describe party. It was just a normal party but Anika keep avoiding obrois) 

After 3 week 

It's been 3 week Shivay is getting jealous of Anika and Rohan's closeness. Shivay and obrois try their best to convenec Anika, even pinky upologys to but their is no change. 

But One day Arnav was setting in study room. And he got the video of how obrois behave with his sister and how Shivay got married do her.

Arnav's come shouting in living room 

Arnav- mr.shivay sing obroi, mr.shivay sing obroi

 Hearing Arnav's whole family came in living room. And just Arnav catch shivays color and start shouting at him 

Arnav- how dare u to do this with my sister, I will kill you today, 

All obrois and Anika got shocked.

Anika- bhai please leave him, he haven't done anything. Bhi please leave him.

Vikram- what happened Arnav.

Arnav- papa he...... (And he explained everything to them how obrois and Shivay Did with Anika)

Vikram-how dare u, Shivay. 

He was ganna punch Shivay but Anika came between them 

Anika- stop it plzz it's not his mistake , it was just circumstances 

Obroi family was shocked that Anika was supporting them.

Arnav-anu, r u still taking their side, how could u 

Ayan- ya u rally don't care about what they did to you.

Anika- no bhi it's nothing like that, I will tell u what happen on wedding day, That day....(and she explains how Tia ran away from wedding with her husband and how Shivay force her to get married) 

Shivay came forward and join his hand front of ranas 

Shivay- I am sorry, please forgive me , I know I did really wrong with your daughter but me and my family is really guilty. 

Vikram- I will forgive you one one condition  

Arnav- first anu have to forgive you then I will tell you what's my condition.

All obrois look at Anika and tej come forward 

Tej- please forgive us Anika beta. We have done really wrong with you.

Pinki- yes bet please 

Anika- plaza don't say like this, I forgive you, now I just want to live with my both family.

Rudra- yeeee(he just came and hug Anika tightly) I am so happy that we will be back in one team. I love you Anika Didi 

All youngsters- not Anika Didi, Anika bhabhi 

Shivika blush and they all hug Anika.

Vikram- so my condition is you have to marry Anika again in front of whole world with all retvels 

Obrois- ok done. 

Obrois and ranas were so happy that everything sort out between shivika.

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