Part 39

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Anika and purvi were gating ready for party. And purvi have already gave them kiz of her old house so they can be their. After half hour both got ready and and they set in car.
Anika- now tell me what's the address.
Purvi- no, I'll drive the car.
Anika- okk
Anika set in passenger seat and purvi set on driver seat. They start their way to party location. When they reach their they not came out of the house. And it was empty area.
All obrois and ranas were at the window looking at them but Anika couldn't notice them.
Vikram- omg my princess is looking so beautiful in that dress.
Arnav- yes dad. Our cute baby sisi is look so pretty.
Rudra- bhabi is looking so beautiful and  in her she is looking kidkitod kundurat in that dress.
Om/mahi- yes she is
All older say that she is looking so nice.
Shivay- after all she is my beautiful ani.
All stair at him.
Shivay- what I can't compliment my wife.
All nod and giggles.
Scene Chang to Anika and purvi
Anika- Purvi where r we? Why no one is hare? Why it's so empty.
Purvi- relax anu. Stop asking many questions ok just come with me all must be in their.
Anika was so confused with her behavior. But she still went with her. When they enter Anika saw her picture all around the wall. It was with 4 obros, 5 brothers, her parents, her in-laws and her childhood photos. When she was looking at pic someone came from behind and put his hand in her mouth so she can't scream. And then he tied her with chair. Anika want to scream but she can't because the person wasn't removing his hand and it was non other then SHIVAY. All came out from back and stand front of Anika. All had smiled in their face and Anika understood that they have kidnap her. And Anika was so angry.
Anika-what u have tied me hare.
Arnav- because we want to talk to u.
Anika- so if u want to talk to me then u will kidnap me.
All nod like child. 
Anika- wow what a logic. Just leave me.
Shivay- not before we talk sweetheart.
Anika star at him.
Anika- what u want to talk to me. Just do it fast. I don't have time for your this    
And first leave me. My hands r hurting.
All- no way, if we untie u then uwill ran away without talking.
Anika- what u wane talk to me.
Tej- plzz Anika forgive us. We know we did really big mistake.
Vikram- yes beta plzz. We should have trust u.
Shakti- yes for mata rani plzz forgive us.
Anika's anger little cool down.
Pinki- plzz beta. We know it's our second mistake.
Janvi- this is second time we didn't trust u but plzz forgive us.
Pragy- for your muma plzzz. We promise that we will never repeat out mistake. Sorry
Anika had tearful eyes.
All youngsters one by one asked for forgiveness.
Anika- u guy r asking me to forgive u. But how can I forgive u. U have raise question on my dignity. And u have pointed finger on my self. But I have my own self respect and can't loos that. I can't forgive u guys.
And she shout.
And plzzz stop doing this kind of pranks. And LEAVE ME.
They untied her and Anika just run away from their.
And that night no one can sleep. It was sleepiness night for them.

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