Part 19

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At night after dinner  
In backyard
Anika always sit in backyard on swing whenever she is happy or sad. And it's a open place she love when cold air touch her face.
Anika was seating on swing and thinking something but suddenly her all 5 brothers came from back.
All 5- boooooo
Anika- woo, u guys scared me.
And they laugh
All 5 fix them self near Anika.
Anika- how u guys know that I am hear.
Arnav- u r our little sister, we know everything about u.
Anika- u know what, u guys r the best brothers in the world
All 5 - and u r best sister in the world.
They all kiss Anika's forehead and smile.
And that time All obrois and ranas come their because they don't want to sleep after dinner so they just came in backyard for walk. And they saw all rana brother-sister talk. But they 6 didn't notice them.
Arman-anu can I ask u something
Anika- sure Bahi
Arman- r u happy with this marriage.
Anika- no I am not happy with this marriage.
All stood their with biggest shock.
Anika laughed looking at her brothers faces.
Anika- I am not happy but I am supper- dupper happy.
All relief after that answer and smiles.
Ayush- u scared us anu.
Anika- awwwww
And she laughs. All 5 glare at her.
Anika- sorry. Ok serious mood on
And pretend to tern on the serious mood. An they all laugh.
All 5- anu u r happy with your in-laws right?
Anika- I am so happy. How can I be sad when I have such a sweet mother-in-law cum my maa like pinky ma, and janvi ma and father- in-laws like shakti paa and tej paa and sweet two davers cum my best friends omru and older brother who can guide me like u guys do, mahi And finall can I be sad when I have such sweet husband. U know what I can do anything for my both families. 
Everyone had tears in their eyes.
Anika- I love u guys so much.
All from behind- and we love u too.
They all 6 tern and saw whole obroi and rana family.
Everyone came near them and hug Anika one by one.
Dadi-we r so lucky to have bahu like u Anika.
All obrois youngster- we r lucky to have friend like u.
All rana- we r lucky to have daughter like u.
And they all smile
Anika- ok ok now stop doing emotional atychar on me. Rulao ge kya bacchi ko.
And they all laugh.

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