Part 21( haldi and mahendi.)

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In Morning They all celebrate haldi and  and in after noon they all celebrate mahendi.
(Sorry guys I am not good at describing all functions)

Now everything was done and SHIVIKA'S wedding was after one week.
Everyone was seating in living room and chitchatting with others and after dinner they went to their room.

Anika's room
Anika was seating on her chair when suddenly shivay came and hug her tighty.
Anika- shivay what happened.
Shivay- nothing anu I am fine. It just that I am so happy that finally we r gating married. I have waited for this time from so long.
Anika- I know shivay. And I am so happy too.
They kiss each other and went to sleep with cuddling.

Everyone was seating on their seats when Anika came from behind
Anika- good morning.
All- good morning anu/ani/bhabi/Anika.
Anika seat on her seat.
Ayush- Anika what's your plan for today.
Anika- nothing bhi why.?
Ayush- because I want your help for redecorating my dance academy.
Anika- ohh so I am free I'll come.
Anika's cm- Anika??
Anika- ji choti maa,
Anika's cm- actually I need your help with selecting dresses for your own wedding.
Anika- ok choti maa.
Obrois see this and they proud to have DIL like Anika.
Pragya- anu I think u should go for your wedding shopping.
Anika- yaa ma, I need to buy so many things. And u don't worry my brothers will help me. Right brothers?
5bros- of course, our little princess is getting married. We will help her.
Anika had tears in her eyes.
Arnav- princess u know na we don't like tears in your eyes.
Arman- yes, now stop crying and smile
Ayan- yes our kidkitod smile.
Ayush- yes anu now stop being cry baby.
Ahil- yes stop being me.
Anika- relax my bhai, I am just gating little emotional. That's it.
Arman- ok then tomorrow we all 6 of them will go for shopping okay.
Arnav- not 6 of them but all youngsters will go to shopping together. So all of u finish your work today okay.
All youngsters- ok. Yeeeee.

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