Drenched In Cold Water

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"Eve.... "

"Eve.... "  I heard someone shouting my name. I groaned and snuggled more into covers. After two minutes I heard sound of footsteps approaching my bedroom, followed by the opening of door. Then in next minute I felt like my breath caught up because my stupid best friend drenched me by pouring cold water on me. I stood up wiping my face and glared hard at Duke who's now laughing holding his stomach.

"what the hell, what have you done?" I yelled.

He continued laughing, I brought a jug of water from my bathroom and splashed on his face making him to stop his laughter. It's me who's laughing now, before he can catch me I ran to bathroom and locked it from inside. After doing my business I came out, walking to closet I picked up shaded jeans and a white floral top. I dressed and walked out picking my bag. I went downstairs and saw Duke eating pancakes made by my mom. I went near him and sat beside him. I saw his hair still wet from water, I smirked at him while he glared at me.

"Good morning ma"

"Good morning baby"  she placed a plate with pancakes in front of me. I smiled at her and started eating.

"Do you like your subjects for this grade dear?" mom asked from kitchen.

Yes! We're now in first year. I still can't believe its already been a year we came here!

"Yes mom. I still have to opt electives" I said and glanced at Duke who's silent which is not as usual.

After that I said bye to my mother, I walked out followed by Duke. We got into his car and started to school.

I glanced at him and he looks mad. "Hey, won't you talk with me?"  I asked but he didn't say anything.

"Come on, say something "

"You drenched me in cold water!" 

"You did the same to me Duke"

"I tried to wake you up"

"There are many ways to wake me up, but you choose this one, that's not my problem"

He rolled his eyes and concentrated on driving. We reached almost near to school, just then it started raining.

"Duke, stop the car"

"Why?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's raining. You know I love it"

"We're going to school Eve. You'll ruin your clothes" 

"Stop it!" I yelled and he stopped immediately. Unbuckling I got down and ran to the footpath, started enjoying the pour. I looked around and saw people staring at me as if I have gone mad or something. I heard Duke shouting at me saying me to come inside, I shrugged and continued to enjoy the rain pour.

I turned around and saw some of my schoolmates, I zoomed my view and saw my all time crush Blake Marquis on his bike near the school bus stop. He's talking with his friends while laughing,he wore white T shirt  highlighting his tattoos on his arms with shaded jeans. I stared at him, He whipped his head and caught my stare I  dropped my head down, rushing to Duke's car I got inside.

"You'll catch cold Eve" he complained and handed me hand towel. I dried my hair and soon we reached school. We walked side by and entered the school, I walked to my locker, duke followed me. I grabbed my books and shoved it in my bag. I heard girls shouting and I saw them. They're giggling seeing something,I followed their stare and soon my eyes fell on my school crush Blake Marquis walking with his group of friends . I smiled instantly. Girls staring at him as if he's a piece of chocolate ready to eat. I felt jealous and narrowed my eyes at them. A hand on my shoulder brought me to world again, I whipped my head to see Duke smirking at me.

"You can kill them later. Let's go we'll be late for class" I nodded and we walked from there.

Duke dropped me to my class and he went to his. I Sighed and went inside  after two Minutes our class begin.


During leisure hour I asked Catherine, julia to tag along with me to library but they refused saying that they both has something to talk with their  boyfriends .

Catherine is in relation with a guy named Noah! Who's is one of Blake's  friend and also in basketball team.The same guy she kept staring all the day at school.

So I went alone to library, signing in the register I went to digital library and sat in front of a system. I opened on to school site and then logged in to check the elective subjects for this term. I read them and was reading important instructions before opting the subjects. I went deep into thinking that I didn't notice someone sat beside my table until there was a sound of clearing throat. I then whipped my head and saw Blake studying something on the monitor. I stared at him until he whipped his head and raised an eyebrow at me. I blinked and turned my attention on my screen.

After getting my thoughts together I continued to opt elective  subjects and registered in various classes. I saw Blake already left awhile before, I sighed and left library. In the next class Catherine sat beside me as usual.

"Have you opted electives already?"

"Yeah. I went to library right"

"I want to be in the same class as you Eve. Give me the list so I can opt for same subjects"

I handed her the note and bidding goodbyes I went out from the class. I saw Duke waiting for me near his car at parking lot. I walked to him and we got inside his car.

"I wish if rain poured now " I said slumping on my seat.

" You already drenched in the morning. Why again?"

"Because I want to enjoy it again"

"Shut up! Your mom will kill me if you catch cold"

"I won't. Don't worry" I assured him.

He stopped at my home. I got down and glanced at him "bye"  he waved and left from there.

I entered my home throwing my bag on couch "mom, I'm home"  I walked straight to kitchen.


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