Amusement Park Pt1

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I'm so done with Rick! This guy really irritates me, he started following me at campus and also after school insisting to drop me home ignoring the protests from Duke who stood there patiently on the verge to punch the shit out of this guy. Seriously it's been two weeks from the attack and from then Rick started annoying me to spend time with him and to go on dates with him. He hugged me a few times at canteen taking me by surprise, can't this guy get the meaning of 'Stay away from me' 

I decided to introduce Susan to my friends and planned a weekend to go out with them, he showed up there too. He acted as if we're in deep love and this made susan to stare at us in confusion. I explained everything to her and luckily she understood my problem and tried to grab his attention from me but he ignored her completely making her sad. I then realized that the weekend with susan and my friends spoiled because of LaFrance,I felt bad for bringing Susan with me.

"Why don't you leave me alone?" I yelled at him. We're currently standing at School hallways.

"I don't understand what you're talking about?" He gave a innocent smile.

"Which part of 'leave me alone' didn't  you understand?" he grinned at me making me to close my eyes for a second in frustration. I left him and walked to my class "I'll see you at lunch!"  I heard his words and entered the class to greet by Harry. I settled in my seat beside Catherine, the bell rang indicating the teacher arrival. I took my phone and send a group text to my friends

Meet me at lockers after class. I planned something against Rick!

I got replies as thumbs up. I grinned and continued to listen the class.


We hid behind the big tree near the parking lot, james and Duke went in search of Rick's car. They found it and grinned at us. Catherine, julia were with me. I told them to deflate his car tires, after a few minutes they came back grinning like idiots. We high fived and went to class.

In the evening we stood there for Rick to see his reaction, he completely went mad after inspecting his car tires.His face was priceless because  this type of things will be done by someone who hates them. Just then stella stopped her car and exchanged some words with Rick, they left together. We went to home after that.

I got a call from Harry asking me to get ready in one hour, I asked him where exactly we're going but he didn't tell and disconnected the call. I showered and changed into jeans and off shoulder top with long sleeves, grabbing my wallet and mobile I went outside locking the front door.

"Hi pretty" he hugged me.

"Where are we going?" I asked pulling away from him.

"Get inside. I'll tell you!"

"Now tell me!" I demanded once we're inside his car.

"We're going to amusement park" he grinned like a child.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, you've a surprise there Blake is coming too" he said glancing at me for a second.

"Harry we're not kids, why amusement park now?" I whined.

"Flora insisted Nate to take her but then we thought to go with our friends, flora asked me to bring you" he explained with a small smile playing on his lips.

"I don't want to come Harry. You know Blake will be there too... " I muttered lowly.

" Come on eve. How long will you avoid him, you too have a life to enjoy" I groaned and pressed a button to play radio.

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