I'm Not Leaving You! Again

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I said it! Yes, finally!

I struggled for a week deciding on what to do with my feelings and finally, I gave into them. I thought to say her one day at school .. But it seems we got sometime without anyone around us.

There, she sat at bar without having no idea of how the men looking at her figure. I wanted to go to her and claim her as mine but it gets her panicked so without knowing what to do I sat there in one of the booths with my eyes fixed on her. She wore a black dress which hugged her curves with light make up, she looked beautiful as always even though she doesn't do heavy make up like other girls at School. She seems bored there and I guess this girl is not so fond of clubs while her best friend jumping on dance floor with a red brunette.

Duke! I don't like this guy because we fought at school one day which lead to suspension of both our groups for two weeks. From then we stopped crossing our paths, I told my group to stay out of their group... But it seems I'm liking him now because he's so protective of my Evelyn! I've to thank him.

Me and Nate haven't talked to each other from the day we caught each other collar. Flora and Harry tried a lot to patch us again but we avoided each other mostly at places. As I thought back to our days this is the first time we reacted like that, I agree we both did the same as any man will do when his girlfriend is at risk... He likes Flora alot and coming to me I like Evelyn from my childhood. I decided to talk to him alone when time comes.

So here I am waiting for her to say something and I'm loosing my hope second by second because she's taking too much time to open her mouth. So I squeezed her palm bringing her back to world... She blinked a few times at me and pulled her hand from my grip.

"Are you serious?" she asked after a second.

"Yes" I nodded

"I thought you're with bitc....I mean stella?" she fake coughed thinking I won't catch it but I know she used to refer stella as bi***, yes Harry told me everything. My lips twitched up and before she can see it I covered it.

"No, I'm not" I replied putting a straight face.

"No?" She frowned at me, I shook my head. She went to continue with her thinking and spoke again after sometime.

"Even though I'm not liking you again, I've had enough heartbreak!"

"It'll not happen again Evelyn, I promise" I assured her.

"No! I don't trust you, I've seen you guys making out at lockers, parking lot. So definitely not!" she stated giving me a hard look.

"Then, all these days you know that I like you right?"

"Yes" she let out a shaky breath

"Even though you put out a show with that bi**h in front of me! Why did you do that? If you liked me"

Because I'm not in right mind at that time Evelyn, I hadn't confirmed my feelings on you yet! After that I tried to diatract my mind from you, so I used her. That's it!

"I didn't gave a thought at that time" I answered pursuing my lips.

"Then what happened now?" she asked folding her hands across her chest. I stood up pacing on the ground in front of her running my fingers through my hair.

"Do you like me?" she asked lifting her head and staring at me.

"Yes, I do like you!"

"Why? Why do you like me suddenly? If Harry haven't said anything to you, will you like me even then?"

"What are you talking Evelyn?"

"Do You think I'll do what you want me to do... For your information I'm not your slave!"

"Think again about it and answer me at School" I said

"There's nothing to think... I'm not doing anything which you told me" she spoke standing up from bench.

"Are you interested in someone else?"

I knew she'd never like anyone other than me but I asked without thinking much

"Yes...." She said turning around from me.

"Is it Rick?"

"That's none of your business!" she snapped. I let out a huff and stuffed my hands in pockets.

"Anyways I'm leaving, Duke must be waiting for me! Bye and thank you for today" she walked away in the direction of club.

Even though you like someone, you'll be with me forever Evelyn. I'll beat that guy until he stops seeing you.

I'll find a way to make you like me again

Mission - To make Evelyn like Blake again will starts from tomorrow! I'm not leaving you again, never!


I went straight to home and saw Tatiana feeding Patrick. They're watching some cartoons, as soon as my baby brother saw me he squealed and came running towards me. I lifted him up in my arms and soon Toby attacked us, I walked and sat beside Tatiana.

"Hi mom. Where's dad?" her eyes went wide as she realized how I referred her. She's my father's second wife, after my mother's death he married her and Patrick was born to them. I mostly don't call her mom but sometimes when I'm in good mood.

"He's in study Blake, I'll heat your dinner. Wait for ten minutes" she smiled and went to kitchen.

Patrick started playing with my hair and Toby sat beside us on couch. Grabbing the remote control I flipped channels to watch basketball game. Soon Tatiana placed my plate on dine table and called me, I ate my food and bidding byes and giving a kiss to patrick I went upstairs to my room.

I showered and changing into tracks I slumped on bed. I then grabbed my mom's photo frame from bedside table and stared at it. Hugging it to my chest I closed my eyes welcoming the darkness.


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