Crush's Best Friend!

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"Hi duke" someone greeted from behind. We're talking standing at my locker, duke saying something about his date with Lina. I turned around and saw Harry, Blake's best friend walking towards us. I know him, he's one of the two who kept glaring at Duke all the time.

Still now I don't know the reason why they're glaring at each other. Duke didn't stop giving them hard looks at class and he refused to tell me what has happened before or what's going in between them now

The boy doesn't know me. He's Duke's friend not as a friend but from basketball team.

"What is it Harry?" duke asked beside me.

"We have a game today. Come to court at 5" he said and glanced at me.

"okay" duke said. Harry stood there staring at me, he then glanced at Duke and asked "Who's this?" 

"She's my best friend. Evelyn "

"Oh nice to meet you. I'm harry" he said stretching his hand.

"I know. Evelyn " I said shaking his hand.

"You're one pretty, girl" he said smirking at me. I smiled and nodded my head thanking him. He turned around and walked away.

"Do you want to come watch our game today?" Duke asked getting my attention.


"Good. I'll wait here for you at 5, if you come then we can go to court" I nodded and walked to my class.

I sat beside Catherine chair and she seems to be in mood off. I adjusted my chair, seeing the teacher hadn't came yet I poked her arm. She glanced at me with a scowl on her face.

"What happened?" I asked her. She shook her head.

I frowned and whipped my head to see her boyfriend Noah poking her arm with pencil, while she's moving away from him. I glared at him and raised an eyebrow

"What you did to my friend?" I asked him.

"Nothing,  she saw me kissing a girl awhile before" he shrugged. My eyes widened at his words and I glared at him again.

"I didn't do anything. She kissed me while I'm off guard" he said bring up his hands in air in defending manner.

"He's telling lies. I saw him he's responding to the kiss" Catherine cried beside me.

"She made me to respond to her kiss. I pulled away immediately, but Before I can explain you ran away from there" he said sitting in front of her as he saw an empty chair. She didn't said anything and just stared at him.

"Can I believe him?" Catherine asked facing me.

I looked at her and then to Noah. He seems he's telling the truth. I nodded at her.

"Don't do that again with any other girl excluding me. Is that alright?" she said looking at him.

He gave a smile and hugged her. She hugged him too and they pulled away as teacher entered the class.

I saw Rick entering after the teacher. As soon as he spotted me, his face lit up and he gave me his gorgeous smile.

"So students, you have a new friend here. Introduce yourself  Mr LaFrance"

I saw girls drooling at him while he spoke. I glanced at Catherine who's too gazing him with interest, from the corner of my eye I saw Noah clenching his jaw. I bit my insides to stop laughing, after introducing Rick came and sat beside me. He gave me a smile and we turned our attention to Miss bethany.

Throughout the class Catherine passed me slips asking 'who's he?  Do you know him!?' I  Ignored all of them and concentrated on writing my notes.


At lunch I sat with Duke and my friends. we were eating while chatting. From the corner of my eye I saw Blake's group entered the cafeteria. They sat far away from our table. I saw Harry sat beside Blake. He looked at me and smiled, I responded and turned my attention to Duke.

After sometime I saw Rick coming towards our table with his food tray "Can I sit here?"  he asked before we can say anything he sat beside Duke who's sitting across me.My friends stared at him in confusion.

"So, Rick. You know Eve already right?" Catherine started

"Yes, I met her yesterday" he stated, looking at me.

"You never told us about him Evelyn" Julia said.

"Come on juls. How can I tell you guys if we met yesterday for first time!" She nodded and turned to James who's staring at Rick.

"So we met yesterday, our mothers are childhood friends" they nodded at me.

"Hi guys, I'm Rick" He waved his hand in air.

"I'm Duke. Evelyn's best friend" he said squeezing his palm more tightly. Rick bit his lip to prevent from an yelp.

"Duke, stop it!" I said glaring at him. He left his hand and turned his attention on his food.

"Sorry, he's too protective towards me" I gave a sad smile to Rick. He shrugged and we went back to chew our food silently.

After few minutes I felt someone sat beside me. I looked  up and saw Harry smiling at me. I raised an eyebrow at him and glanced at Duke who's already stating at us.

"Hi" he greeted.

"Hi" I said and dropped my gaze to my lunch.

"Can I join you guys?" I shrugged and continued eating my food.

"No,you can't!" Duke stated folding his arms across his chest.

Harry glared at him while Duke responded with his glare.

" Why?"

"Because we don't want you to join us" Duke replied.

Harry stood up and left glaring at Duke.

"Why did you say that?" I asked as soon as Harry left.

"Can't you see. He's hitting on you" he said glancing at their table. I followed his stare and saw Harry telling something to Blake. After a second Harry pointed towards our table, Blake's eyes roamed around cafeteria  and finally fell on me. He stared at me for a minute and then moved his gaze away, he continued to talk with his friends.

"Stop staring at him Evelyn!" Duke said with annoyance as if knowing what I'm doing. I glanced at him, he's looking too upset. I gazed at my friends who are shaking their heads and chewing on their food. I saw Rick giving me a questioning brow I shook my head, finishing my lunch. We got up and left from there.


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