Who's She? Pt-1

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Its been two weeks since that incident happened at Nate's home. I haven't told anyone about it. Luckily my mom is not home on that day, I felt relieved and went to my room. I tried my best to hide the bruise on my cheek but mom noticed the next day and asked Duke about it, to which he gave me a death glare. I gave up and turned in revealing the truth to which they listened carefully and then Duke's face turned to as you all know (rage) and my mom's face was turned to shock. She gave me a lecture and prohibited me from going out and Duke agreed with her.

Groaning I grabbed my mobile from nightstand and saw a new text.I opened and saw its from Rick, he didn't attend school these days I wonder what happened to him. Sighing I read the text 'Good morning' I typed reply and send it to him. Deciding on my outfit I went to take a shower, dressed into my leggings and top and then combing my hair I put it into french braid. Grabbing my phone, bag I went downstairs and saw mom preparing breakfast my face lit up at the sight of those sandwiches, I shoved into my mouth hungrily.

"You'll choke kiddo, eat slowly!" I heard Duke's voice from behind which is filled with amusement.

"Chut-up!I'm not a kid" I snapped back and swallowed my breakfast.

"You're still under age Eve, so you're a kid to me" he replied making me to scowl at him.He chuckled and sat beside me grabbing a sandwich from my plate, I groaned loudly and glared at him.

"You both are not kids anymore, so don't act like one. Okay!" mom yelled in front of us.

We finished and drove to school, picking my books from locker we made our way to class. I entered first and saw Harry smiling as soon as he saw me, I smiled at him and then my gaze fell on the person sitting beside him, Blake. As soon as our eyes made contact he instantly turned away his gaze I frowned and saw remaining members from his group. I walked inside and went near Catherine, stood at my chair. Duke went past me, I talked with cathy when someone yelled my name from behind.

I turned and saw Rick coming towards me, he hugged me and my body went still.

What happened to this fellow?

He breathed heavily, I guess from running and then I pulled away from him.He grinned at me "I missed you Evelyn!" he said to which I rolled my eyes and sat down in chair. He then whispered something to Catherine and made her go sit beside Noah, I frowned at them and saw him taking Catherine's chair. I raised a brow at him, he shrugged I thought to ask him but then the bell rang indicating that teacher will be here in a minute. So I shut my mouth and glanced ahead.


"Come on mom, I don't know much about him" I admitted to which she rolled her eyes.

We're sitting in my room and talking about the handsome boy Rick. Mom saying that she somehow knows that Rick is secretly liking me, I asked her how? To which she said that she can see that, she insisted him to ask me to go on a date with him. My eyes went wide listening her words, she talked with him in front of me. Poor guy died to control his blush on face, at last he asked me today at my home and now my mom selecting my outfit for so called date.

"Sweety, its okay. You guys going out right, so you can talk and know about each other"

What has she planned exactly?

On the other day, she asked Duke if I had any boyfriends at School and Duke being honesty he revealed about my crush to her. He told this to me after a long way of irritating him continuesly. I thought she'll ask about Blake but she didn't brought this topic, so she knows whom do I like then why is she making me to go on a stupid date.

"I don't want to go mom. Wait.... I'm not going. It's final!" I stated firmly and stood up from my bed. I thought to leave but then she held my wrist stopping me. I turned to face her.

"Baby, you said you want to move from Blake right? Then why don't you give a try?"

She's right! Why can't I give a try, I decided to move on. Yes!

I nodded at her, she squealed and handed me a dress "Go and take a shower, I'll do your make up" she said and left my room.


By the evening Rick and marinna came to my home, mom did my make up and I'm more than satisfied. I looked pretty with royal blue frock with matching studs and heels.

"You look different hmm... Actually pretty!" Rick gave a compliment while raking his eyes over my figure. I gave a fake smile not appreciating the look from him, Marinna hugged me as soon as she saw me.

"So.. I think Its better we leave now" Rick said making her mom to pull away from me. I let out a heavy breath, giving a smile in their direction we made our way to his car. He took me to a restaurant which is famous in city, we went inside to a table which I guess he already reserved for us. He then pulled out my chair for me, I thanked him and we sat down cross to each other. A waiter came to our table with two glasses of water. He placed down and asked our orders to which Rick told him to come after awhile. He left us and walked away.

"So.. What do you think about us?" he asked suddenly. I let my eyes roam over his face to see any emotion, he's just grinning at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked staring at him.

"I mean do you think it'll work out between you and me?" he asked pointing between us

"To be honest I don't think so Rick" I said shaking my head.

"Why?" he asked raising a brow.

"Because I don't like you.. I mean I like you but not in the way you're thinking" I rattled, waving my hands in air.

"Come on Eve, may be your opinion will change when you know about me more" he said giving a shrug

I rolled my eyes and took the men to avoid him but he kept on talking "Evelyn! Are you listening?" he yelled earning my attention.

"What is it?"

"We're giving it a chance from today. No more discussion!" he stated with a determined look. I huffed out and went back to check the menu.

"So why did you disappeared last week?" I asked placing the menu on table.

"I've to check on my dad, so I went to his place!"

"He's not living with you?" he shook his head "They got divorced two years back, but I'm very close to him so I'll go see him when I'm free" I nodded and just then saw a waitress coming our way. She glanced at me and then at Rick, her eyes went wide and she halted on the spot. She looked young may be my age, with brown hair and big eyes. I then saw Rick following my gaze, he went still for a second and they stared at each other.

Dude what's going on here? Who's this girl?

I cleared my throat as if coming out from trance they both dropped their gaze to ground. She came to us and asked our orders, I gave my order and then she asked Rick who's avoiding her gaze,he said he'll have the same and then she scribbled on notepad and left our table.


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