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I'm so sorry for the delay.... Here's a chapter.. Enjoy 😍



"So do you guys decided on a place to go for vacation?" Duke asked us taking a seat beside Noah.

"Not yet. But we are planning on leaving this weekend" Nate answered him.

So at last our exams finished and my friends decided to go on for a vacation as its summer now. We're currently sitting at our usual table at canteen which was joined to another one because Evelyn's friends were sitting with us...

"Are you coming?" My girlfriend asked her best friend. He nodded at her lightly.

Her eyes lit up and she sat straight on the stool "Is lina coming with you too?" she asked excitingly.

"Of course. She'd love to follow me!" he said rolling his eyes.

"Great! We're going to enjoy this summer!" she clapped her hands like a four year old kid.

"We will Eve!" Flora chimed and they grinned together.

She's so excited about this vacation from the moment boys planned it because as we all know that the last holiday we went ended up dreadfully. She didn't enjoy at all because of some certain threats but now she's planning on enjoying and rocking this holiday. But I feel so bad for her because I wouldn't allow her to go with my friends... Poor her!

"As much as I want you to enjoy this holiday, you can't because we're going somewhere!" I stated giving her a side glance. Her face fell down instantly...

"What? Why?" Flora asked immediately.

"We've our plans. Sorry guys we won't be coming with you" I spoke taking the last bite from my food.

They threw daggers in my direction including Evelyn, I shrugged and brought the juice bottle up to my mouth to take a sip. But then she snatched it from me "Gimme my juice" I demanded folding my arms across chest.

She shook her head and asked "Where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you cupcake" I smirked at her and took a sip from her bottle.

"Come on Blake. At least tell us where you are taking her" Nate said pulling Flora close to him.

I sighed intertwining my hand with Evelyn's which is on table "We're going to my grandparents beach house"

"That's great! How many days you're planning on staying there?" James asked somewhat excited.

"I didn't give a thought about that but I'd like to spend my holidays there" I answered him.

"Well, so did you ask her if she wanted to come or not?" Catherine said pointing to Evelyn.

I looked down at her and she gave me a small smile covering up her hurt expression. But I knew about her completely....I brought her close to me "We'll join you guys in between. Don't worry!" I announced and it brought a mega watt smile on her face.

She jumped and gave me a peck on my cheek "Well well well...what do we have here Stella!? Losers from two groups were planning on vacation!" We heard Rick's mocking tone.

"They're enjoying, ruining others life Rick" Stella spoke glaring at Evelyn.

"I don't think your life's ruined stella. You look fine for me!" Evelyn snapped inspecting her from top to bottom.

"Shut up you bi*ch. Don't you feel ashamed for stealing my boyfriend?" stella accused her.

"Your boyfriend is right beside you Miss fake boobs. I don't think anyone could steal him..." she replied referring to LaFrance.

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