The Hidden Feelings!

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Hola... How are you all?

So here's a chap as I promised, I did my best but I can't help if it didn't reach upto your expectations!

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I stormed out of the canteen because I don't think I can control my temper sitting there watching LaFrance pour his love to my Evelyn!

My Evelyn! Where did that come from?

I shook my head to forgot about the scene which happened a few minutes ago inside there.

"Why did you came out here suddenly?" I heard Harry asking me from behind. I stood there under the tree which is somewhat near to school gates.

"May be to get some fresh air" Answered Flora. Not again with my friends!

I glared at both of them, "may be he ran out from there because he didn't like the fact that LaFrance kissed Evelyn" Harry said teasing me.

"Stop it Harry!" I stated firmly

"Why do you want him to stop, isn't that the reason why you stormed out?" Flora asked.


"Don't lie Blake, we all know that you like her as in the same way she likes you!" Harry spoke. But I shook my head and turned away from them.

"No! I don't like her and also she's with LaFrance!"

"Cut the crap, you like her that's why you almost killed Faulkner on that night chasing him after the party and also now you felt jealous of LaFrance inside there so you came out before you can do anything stupid. This is the real story isn't it Blake?"

"Harry, just shut up okay! I don't want to get into another fight with you regarding this matter"

"Why are you doing this Blake? She likes you more than anything, you like her then why you guys playing with each others heart?" Flora reasoned.

"Can't you see the way she looks at you when you're around her! And I bet I saw you staring at her like she's the only person in the world for you, don't lie to us"

"Guys, I'm not in love with her and I don't even like her. She's.. Too innocent to be with me, I'll spoil her. Girls like stella will be a match for me"

"Don't you dare say her name, she's a witch and you too know that. Don't even compare Evelyn with that filthy girl!" Flora stated and giving a final glare in my direction she left from there leaving me with Harry.

"You changed a lot from the day I told you that she likes you, you really like her Blake. Why are you not realizing it?"


"You can lie to anyone else in the world but you can't lie to yourself! Place your hand on your heart and think about her. You'll definitely realize your love for her" I stood there avoiding his stare after sometime he spoke again.

"You're a coward!" and then he left from there.


I didn't attend the afternoon classes and went to home as I'm having a severe headache. As soon as I opened my front door, Toby (my dog) attacked me with his paws. I closed the door and walking near the couch I slumped on it taking Toby into my arms. He licked my face and I laughed at him.

"What did you do while I'm out?" I asked and caressed his forehead and going down his neck where I felt the same silver ring tied in his collar. I glanced at it and ran my fingers on it

Its Evelyn's ring!

One year ago***

I woke up as soon as I heard my alarm and went to washroom to brush my teeth after that I changed into my tracks and athletic shoes, I grabbed my headphones with mobile and went out for the same park which I'm used to go for a run. I parked my car and got down, Putting on my headphones I started to take laps around the park. After a few minutes I heard barking sounds coming from my left I stopped and my eyes soon found a small brown puppy, he's alone there almost scare to come out of a bush before I can go and help him I saw a girl approaching it. Evelyn.

She's beautiful with brown long silky hair and light blue shaded eyes and she have a cute smile playing on her lips,her face somewhat covered with sweat even though she looked fresh early in the morning!

I stopped in my place and saw her picking him up and she took it to nearby bench where she sat down and played with the puppy. She looked so happy with him, I walked near them mostly hiding behind a tree.

"Oh you look so weak. I can't take you home my mom will kill me if she sees you,she's allergic to dogs" she frowned and gave a sad look at the puppy.

Reaching a white note she wrote something on it and stick it on his body and then she opened his collar and dropped her ring and put it on his neck again.

"Take care. I hope Someone will get you!" she kissed him and left from there.

I walked to the bench and took the note from his body 'Please take care of him and also thank you for helping him out' I sat beside him and picked him in my arms, I saw the ring she put on around the collar. Its a silver plain ring! With words E. V engraved on the inner side. I took him with me to my home.

"Brother, where did you get him?" my four years brother patric asked me taking puppy from my hands.

"What do you name him?" I asked him, he thought for a minute and then his eyes sparkled "Toby!" he grinned and hugged him to his chest with his small hands.


That's the first time I saw her  and after that I saw her at school a few days later. I learned her name and almost shocked to believe that she's here again in front of me after so many years.

Seeing her again, my heart  remembered me the hidden feelings towards her.

She didn't change at all, her smile, her eyes, her innocence. She's exactly like the one whom I met those years back.

I saved her from those idiots at school  and after that I skipped school to avoid seeing her but father got angry with me and again because of him I started attending school which means I've to face her everyday. She almost maintained quite during the class and don't talk to anyone except that girl Catherine but after few days she made friends and started smiling a lot which made me happy.

Even if I skip classes I used to take my time to see her at library, canteen or basketball court. I thought she'd recognize me but to my luck she didn't and that made me sad but I too wanted that, It'd confuse my feelings towards her if she again comes into my life. I don't want to be near her, I agree I used to like her years ago but now many things happened in my life and I'm not the same playful and cheerful Blake which she used to know, I'm different now. By liking her again I can't drag her into my fuc**d up life, she's better off without me in her life.

Yes! I won't confess my feelings to her, it'd be better to both of us if we stay out of each others life!


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