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A month passed by and now we're having mid terms, I did hard work and wrote exams well and lastly there's only one exam left which is not my favorite, maths. I groaned closing my books and went to take a shower. We reached school and entered the class to see full strength, classroom was filled.

I sat in my chair and opened my pencil pouch, miss Bethany passed sheets to us.

"So students, as all you know that midterm scores have a big impact on your finals, recently I feel like everyone are more alert on my subject. Right?"

"The exam consists of 30 objective and other problematic questions. Hope you'll can solve them in time"

I groaned seeing the questions, I practiced last night but it all seems waste because she didn't gave any questions which I prepared. I saw Duke smirking at me showing the slips under his wrist watch my mouth went wide watching the thick slips.

"I suggest that you better don't send papers to your friends, if you caught you'll be severely punished and also throw all your slips or whatever you call them to cheat the exam over here right now!" she yelled glaring at us.

I sheepishly glanced at Duke with my signature smirk. He groaned and went to her and dropped the slips down on a cardboard and then all students followed him. I saw Harry pulling out a few from his sleeves and collar, Julia and flora pulled some from hair.Rick got out some from his pens. I wonder why they'll tried to cheat even they're experts in calculus,  except me and Blake were sitting in our places rest of them came back giving their cheating equipments to teacher.

"Now, you can start your exam!" she announced watching her wrist watch.

I tried to solve them with the knowledge I acquired from last night but most of all I left them unsolved I mean... Unfinished. She announced that half an hour left till the exam just then Blake stood up walking to her, handing the sheets he left the room grabbing his bag.

I wonder how he wrote the exam! But then he always tops the class that means he did great!

I exchanged glances with my friends and then Miss Bethany didn't gave a chance to copy, so I gave up submitting my sheets and walked out.

I saw Blake walking out from hallway, I ran towards him and tapped on his shoulder resulting him to stop and turn around. I gave a megawatt smile and greeted him "Hi" 

He let out sigh "Hi Evelyn" 

"How you wrote your paper?"

"Yeah good. What about you?" we started walking towards parking lot.

"Not so good. I'm weak in maths and also the question paper is too tough for me" I said dropping my head.

"Oh..... " I thought to ask him something but then he answered his mobile "Yeah.. Its over already... I'm heading there"  he hung up.

"Okay, gotta go. Bye" he gave a small smile and walked towards his bike. Soon he left the school in a blink of second. My phone buzzed in my Jean pocket I fished out and saw Susan name displaying, "Heyy" 

"How you did your exam Eve?"

"Not so good, I bet my grades will fall for sure"

"Let's see. So what's up? How are others?"

"If you're asking about Rick, yeah he's cool irritating me everyday" I mocked resulting her to laugh from other side.

"Okay, we can meet this weekend. Are you free?" I asked

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