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We gathered together at School entrance the next morning. So as it's volunteering service We collected some old books to give them to children there. Duke brought some basketballs and we stared at James who didn't bring anything with him.

"Mr James, what about you?" Miss Claire asked standing in front of us.

"I'll be in charge of cooking for the whole trip!" he announced putting a toque on his head. We cheered at him and almost all the whole class is present here but I haven't seen Blake's group. Just then they came with big cardboard boxes and stood in front of Miss Claire.

"Good morning miss!" they greeted in unison.

"Well good morning. You guys are late!"

"Sorry, actually we're busy with collecting books and clothes. So......." Harry trailed.

I then saw stella standing beside Blake throwing her arm around his torso "I really want to go volunteer with everyone but I've to go abroad with my father. Sorry"  bitch announced getting some yells from boys.

"I'll miss you baby" she whined at Blake and leaned to kiss his lips but then he stopped her and hugged her saying a goodbye. She then left in her red car.

Thank god! She's not coming with us, I can't bare her innocent girl acts in front of all boys! 

"Miss Claire, is the place we're going close to town?" Flora asked getting our attention.

"No.. It's actually far away from town. In fact it is quite hard to reach, it doesn't even have a hospital or public school" we nodded at her. I saw Mr Marcus also joined us.

"If everyone is here. Get ready to leave" he said clapping.

"Yeah, yeah.... " we heard yells and saw two buses stopped right at School gates. The boys organized the things on top of the bus and others got into bus and sat in our seats. Flora asked if she can join our girls group as their group only consists of boys, we accepted and me, julia, cathy and flora sat together like me and flora took right seats while julia and cathy occupied left to us. After sometime boys came and settled behind our seats, I saw Blake entering with a grin on his face it soon turned to a half smile as soon as he caught me staring at him. I blinked my eyes and moved them away from him.

"Hey I told you I'm going to sit with you!" Rick complained as soon as he got into the bus.

"Come here LaFrance!" Duke called him as James sat with another boy.

He glared at us and went to him.

"Are you guys together eve?" flora asked frowning at me.

"Nothing like that Flora" I answered to which she winked at me.

"So all of them settled? Or is anyone missing?" mr marcus asked.

"No no... " students responded, he walked to the driver and soon we drove from school.

He came and occupied the front seat as ms Claire got into another bus.

" Sir, what will we be doing there?" Catherine asked him.

"Ah.. I'll explain when we reach there at once" he then put on his headphones and dozed off.

Soon we were surrounded by big trees and also the sunlight is not much visible, listening to my Playlist I opened the window and smelled the fresh air. Its so cool here, I sent a quick text to my mom as there'll be no signal once we reach there. 

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