Unexpected Kiss!

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I took a shower and went to lobby to have breakfast with Charles. He hugged me and we ate while talking about business and work. He reminded me to get ready by 6pm, I bid byes and took my Ferrari to explore the city. I went to some tourism places and clicked a few pics to upload in Instagram and Facebook.

I opened fb and posted a few pics. Harry pinged me

Hey man. You're chilling there alone! Why don't you take Evelyn with you?

Harry! I'm here for business meeting not for a holiday trip

I sat on one of the railings of bridge and a few people were painting on their canvas.. I guess its some competition going on here.

Ha liar...!  Go and have some fun with chicks and dolls too, I promise i won't tell Evelyn about this!

Shut up harry! I'm worried about her! :-(

Dude, chill. She's okay I think just awhile ago I called her and she said she's having fun and at the same time tired because of shopping

I miss her<3

Tell this to her. Not me (^_-)

Fu*k off! 


I walked to the nearby stalls and saw some cheap stuff placed for selling. I went through them for a good five minutes and found a unique single piece anklet with a cyan color stone and a small seashell hanging to a thin adjustable strap. It's beautiful and I saw its only one piece lying there among various stones of different colors. I bought it for Evelyn and stuffed it in my pocket.. I surfed here and there and had lunch at one of the small restaurant. The food is good, after eating and paying I turned and bumped into someone.

"Can't you see where you're walking?" I heard a female voice and before I can see her face she kneeled in front of me and picked her stuff. I helped her and my hand brushed with hers, she then lifted her head and looked at me. She froze for a minute and I snapped my fingers in front of her face bringing her out of daze, she blinked a few times and suddenly I remembered that its Evelyn's habit too other than fidgeting her fingers, when she's nervous. I smiled unknowingly and stood up followed by the girl.

"I'm sorry" I said giving a smile.

"Yeah.. It's okay...." she said running a hand through her hair.

"Are you okay?" I asked eying her body not in a creepy way if you ask.

"I'm fine" she whispered. I nodded and walked out of the restaurant whistling. I put on my shades and walked to my car, I glanced at my watch and saw its already 2 pm so deciding to take a nap I drove to hotel where we're staying.


I dressed up into a maroon color three piece suit and grabbed my phone to call Evelyn but it went to voice mail. I walked to the glass wall where can we get a view of whole city, I stood there and took a selfie. I send it to her and went to lobby to meet Charles.

We reached the venue in half an hour. I stepped out of the limo followed by my grandfather and soon our eyes were blinded by flashes and reporters asking some random questions to Charles. He didn't answer them and with the help of bodyguards we entered inside.

It looks like Mr knight invited whole city! 

I kept my thoughts to myself and smiled, greeted people introduced by Charles. After an hour or so Mr knight came and took the stage, he announced about the deal and soon called my grandfather to stage. They signed the papers and shook hands smiling at each other. And then we went to our own business I walked to bar and ordered a drink with lite alcohol.

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