First Day at School

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Note : This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are my  imagination . Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



After my father's death we shifted to texas. Mom joined me to sophomore in high school. She found a job at one of the hospitals and we bought a small  apartment which is somewhat near my school. I arranged my books in my bag and opened my laptop to watch a movie in Netflix.

"Eve" My mom called from downstairs. I paused the movie and answered her.

"Come down for food" "coming" I yelled and shut down lid of laptop.

"Are you ready for school tomorrow?"

"Yes" I smiled while answering.

"Okay. I'll drop you tomorrow. Go to sleep early" she said kissing my forehead and left to her room.

I ran upstairs and prepared my bed. I brushed my teeth and went to sleep setting an alarm at 6.


"Take care, Evelyn"

"Bye mom" I stepped out from car and headed to school. Once I got inside I walked through hallway and found a desk where I saw a woman working. I took my schedule from her and walked to my alloted locker. I checked my classes and saw history, removing the unwanted books and placing them inside I locked my locker and headed to class.

Taking the stairs I reached a floor and stopped in the middle not knowing whether I should go right or left. I took left from there and saw a boy half lying on floor, I walked to him and removed the book which was covering his face.

"Why are you disturbing me.. " he sulked and slowly opened his eyes, green eyes locked with my blue ones. As soon as he saw me he stood up and hung his bag on shoulder.

"Umm... Sorry. I was searching for my classroom" I said and turned around to leave.

"Room no?"

"Huh?" I turned to face him. "Tell me room number" he repeated again.

"Room no..... " he shoved his hands in pant pockets and said "Follow me" We took right from where I came and he stopped in front of a classroom.

"Go inside" he told stepping aside. I thanked him and went inside,all heads turned to me including the teacher.

"You took your time in finding the classroom Miss Voltaire" she said approaching in front of the class. I took steps and stood beside her.

"So you're having a new classmate here"

"Introduce yourself" she said glancing at me.

"Hello, I'm Evelyn Voltaire. Nice to meet you all" I said waving awkwardly.

"Go and find a seat for yourself"she said and turned to board. I eyed the whole classroom and started walking once I found an empty seat backside. I stumbled and fell down to ground by a loud thump. Shit! I muttered and lifted my head to see all students laughing at me. I stood up and realized that I fell because someone stretched their leg in my way.

"Students, stop it" she glared at them and glanced at me "Go and sit down Miss Voltaire" I nodded and went to empty chair and took my seat. I opened my books and lifted my head up and saw a boy smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes at him, he then turned to teacher.

He's the one who made me fall down. Jerk!

I turned my attention to the class. After a few minutes I felt someone poked my shoulder with pencil. I turned my head to right and saw a girl smiling at me.

"I'm Catherine" She said with a smile.

"Evelyn" I responded with a smile.

We haven't talked after that and soon the morning classes were finished. I was on my way to locker when I heard my name. It's Catherine.

"Hi, are you going to cafeteria?" I nodded.

"Let's go together" I smiled and we made our way together.

"So where are you living?"

"Nearby. What about you?"

We talked for awhile and I realized that she's very good. She said that she haven't made any friends and asked me to be friends with her, I agreed.

"Don't walk alone inside the campus. Okay?"

"Why is that?" I asked frowning

"You'll become a victim of bullying. You saw a boy from our class in the morning right?"

"Yeah. He's the one who made me to fall down"

"He will always find weak ones to hurt, he also had groups in our school. So just be careful, don't make eye contact with anyone except those who you know" i nodded.

"And also if you're alone, try to be in crowds as soon as possible so no one will find that you're alone"

"Thank you "

" No problem" She smiled and we made our way to class.

I gave my contact number to Cathy and went outside the school in evening. Mom will be here soon i thought and paced there thinking about what Catherine said earlier. Just then my mom arrived and we drove to home.


Taking a shower I put on some shorts and loose tee. We had food earlier today and I came back to my room and continued to watch the movie which I left in the middle. I checked my mobile and saw a new text from Cathy.

'I'll pick you at 7.30 tomorrow morning'

'Alright. Thank you. Good night' I replied and continued to watch movie. Glancing at the clock I realized its already late and that I've to attend school I closed my laptop and went to bed.


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