Party Night2-Truth Or Dare

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"Flora, where have you been? I was searching for you" Nate stated as he walked into kitchen.

"I'm getting bored Nate" she said frowning at him.

"Let's play something" he said dragging both of us out to living room.

"Guys, we're going to play a game" he announced making all of them stare at him.

The boys nodded and pushed couches away to free some space on ground. By the time we settled everything, most of the guys gave up saying they can't play because they're not sober enough.

"Come down Blake" flora said glancing at the brown eyed guy who's still sitting there and watching what we're doing. He shook his head at her, she gave a look and then he came down sitting next to me. We formed a circle, harry sat right next to me as I sat right next to my crush and Stella bitch to the left side of him.

"So, we're playing truth or dare. If you guys don't know the rules let me explain. If you choose truth one will ask you a question you've to answer it, if you choose dare then you've to do as we say!" Nate explained placing a bottle at Centre.

"Isn't this game too dangerous?" I hissed to Harry.

"Yes. It'll be fun Evelyn!" he grinned at me.

"Then. I'm out of this" I said and about to stand up but he grabbed my wrist holding me in place. I glared at him "Let go!"  I hissed and tried to get my wrist out from his grip.

"Blake's watching us!" he said staring behind me. I whipped my head and saw him staring with a strange expression on his face which I can't put into words. Harry left my wrist and we sat straight facing others. Nate spinned the empty bottle and I felt I'll burst with nervousness inside me.

What have you got yourself into Evelyn?

The bottle stopped at Flora. Nate grinned at her and asked "Truth or dare?"  she chose truth.

"What is that you hate about me?"

"Over Possessive nature" he rolled eyes at her answer and then Flora spinned the bottle. It stopped at Noah,he looked carefree unlike me.

"what would you do to annoy your girlfriend?"

He grinned and answered "I would kiss some random girl!"  It brought a smile on my face remembering their fight about a kiss.

Noah spinned the bottle and it stopped at Blake "What is the thing you regret most in your life?"  Noah asked him.

"Believing someone blindly and following their path which leads to your destruction,which I did once!" everyone went silence at once.

I gave a questioning brow to Harry but he ignored me and made Blake to spin the bottle, it stopped at Harry "Are you currently seeing someone? If yes, whom?"  Blake asked staring hard at him. They stared at each other a minute "I'm not going to answer this question!"  harry stated.

"Hey, you can't back away from it" Nate yelled.

"Whatever, I'm going to do anything you guys want me to do" he stated eying everyone.

"Then kiss someone of opposite gender!" Blake stated glancing at me. I gulped and moved my gaze to Harry who's now lost in his thoughts.

I realized that they're only three girls here. Me, flora and bitch stella. He can't kiss Flora because of Nate, so he have me and stella to decide. He lifted his head to stare at me, my eyes went wide for a fraction of second. I thought he'd kiss me! But then his gaze went to stella who's smirking at him. He stood up and went to her and then kissed her lips for a minute.I saw Stella's face brightened with pink.

He then came back to sit beside me.I saw Blake smirking at Harry.

What just happened here?

Harry spinned the bottle and it stopped at me! I face palmed mentally for coming here. I know he'll definitely ask a weird question which I couldn't answer at least in front of them so I chose dare.

"You've to kiss someone who haven't talked to you yet, since I introduced you to our group!"

What the hell? He's doing it on purpose! Stupid harry!

I glanced around and saw Flora and Nate were smirking as well as harry as if they know whom I'm going to kiss. I gulped and turned to face Blake who's avoiding my stare now.

I leaned closer to Harry so that he can hear me "I hate you for making me to do this!"  I was about to pull away but he grabbed my wrist and said "You'll thank me afterwards Evelyn!"  he smirked and let go off my wrist.

I looked at my crush who's still avoiding my gaze, I kneeled down to reach his height and slowly turned his face with the help of my fingers. I cupped his face with my both hands and we stared at each other, his eyes held something which I can't explain to myself, I then ran my fingers through his hair which felt soft. I leaned closer to his face as if acting to kiss his lips but at last second I tilted his face and pressed my lips on his right cheek. His eyes went wide and I dropped to my previous position beside harry, I saw all if them staring at me with wide eyes.

"You stupid harry, you didn't even mentioned her where to kiss him, you spoiled the fun!" Flora yelled at him irritatingly.

"I'm not playing anymore!" Flora huffed standing up and left from there.

"Hey, what about my turn!" Bi**h stella yelled making me to laugh on her face.

Poor girl!

Nate went following Flora to where god knows. All others stood up and went to their previous states what they're doing.

Noah joined some guys, Blake and stella went upstairs to god knows what they're planning to do. Harry was about to leave my side but then I grabbed his arm "You're the one who drove me here, so you're the one who'll drive me to home. So don't drink much!"  he nodded and left my side.

What to do now?

I walked around and found numerous rooms, indeed Nate have a huge house. No! Mansion exactly. I saw some people from our school and talked with them for awhile until I heard a crashing sound. I saw Flora dropped a chair to ground and was fuming in anger.

What happened? Did she got into a fight with Nate?

I thought and approached her "What happened Flora?"  she glanced at me and smiled mischievously.

What did you plan to do now flora?


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