The Missing Letter!

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It's been three days since I went to club, I was avoiding Blake successfully at School using my friends and mobile, like if he's coming towards me I used to talk with my friends and drag them away from there or even pretended talking in phone so that he'd leave me alone.

All the time he knows and he still played in front of me. I agree it's his wish to whom he date or whatever he calls but then he can do that away from me right? But no and now he comes again saying that I've to like him again. To hell I'd like him again, why should I listen to him? Why should I forget all the heartbreaks he caused me hanging with that stella. I didn't tell anyone about my encounter with Blake except susan.. She's the one who can understand me. And Duke would yell at me if I say all these things to him.. So I kept it secret!

"Baby, come on get up. You've to hurry up, you said Duke wouldn't pick you up today!" mom yelled from downstairs. I jolted up from bed, yes Duke called me saying he has some work at school and that so he's leaving early today. I glanced at the clock which is hanging , it's already 7 and I have to be in school by 8. I got up from bed and ran to bathroom, showering, dressing and last combing my hair. I went down and saw a sandwich placed on table. I snatched it and went outside locking my home as mom already left while I'm showering. I ran to the bus stop and luckily caught the bus. I reached my school bus stop in 20 minutes and ran towards the gate. I ran to my locker,fishing my combination opening it I grabbed the required books and locked it.

I ran towards my class and bumped into a wall.. No no someone. I hit my head, dropping my books to ground and was about to fall down but stopped as large arms wrapped around my waist. I was out of breath due to running, I breathed heavily and slowly lifted my head to see chocolate brown eyes staring down at me. I blinked my eyes profusely, staring at him. After sometime I registered the person who caught me and pulled away immediately. I kneeled down and grabbed my books. I stood up and muttering a 'sorry' to him I ran from there to class. I entered my class just in time before the bell rang.

I sat in my usual chair beside Catherine. I smiled greeting her. Soon teacher came and started lesson. Catherine Slipped a note in my textbook when teacher to white board. I opened it and saw writing

'Why are you late?'

I tore a piece of paper and wrote on it

'I slept in'


After sometime I felt my mobile buzzed in my pockets I fished it out and saw a new text from susan.

'I forgot to tell you, I kept a letter in your physics book. Can you hand it to Rick please!'

Susan decided to get Rick as she can't forget him but he's such an idiot ignoring the poor girl all the time.I searched my books and saw no letter inside them. I bit my lip thinking where can I lost it. I then guessed that may be It fell today morning at the hall where I bumped into Blake. I face palmed and decided to see after class.

I typed 'It's not there, I'll find it' and send it.

After class I went to the place nearby my locker to see no letter there. It's missing!

What should I do now?

Susan asked me to find it. Seriously, she'll strangle me to death if I don't find it by tomorrow.

At lunch I was walking to cafeteria, I saw Duke already started eating without waiting for me. I decided to show him a lesson and I passed Blake's table, staring at him.

"I found a love letter at school hall today morning!" someone announced making me to turn back.

I saw Blake holding up his hand with a pink letter which was folded. I dropped my gaze on his face to see he's smirking while staring right at me.

"Who's love letter is it?" Harry asked beside him.

"I don't have an idea" Blake replied glancing at him but soon his eyes found me again. I started sweating.

"Let's open it dude" someone said in their group.

Oh my god! It'll be a hell if they opened it. I saw students were listening to them and their attention was grabbed. They'll post in school blogs, it'll be rucks and Susan will kill me for losing it.

Evelyn Voltaire. Tomorrow will be last day for you!

"Shall we open it and read aloud?" Blake yelled still staring at me. I stood in my place, staring at him in horror.

"Yes" his group replied "It'd be fun Blake. Let's open it!" Harry squealed like a girl making me to resist the urge to punch his face.

"Shall we?" he asked again raising eyebrows

"Yes! Yes!" they answered.

He tried to open it slowly without taking his eyes away from me. Harry caught us exchanging glances and wiggled his eyebrows at me, I gave him a fake smile and thought how to stop him from leaving the letter.

I shook my head lightly so that no one will see me except Blake. He saw me and his smirk went wide, he shoved it inside his pocket. I let out a breath which I was holding and turned around walking to our friends staring at me as if I'm a ghost.

"What happened?"Duke asked seeing my sweat face.

"Nothing" I said and started eating my food. I glanced towards Blake in between my talks with Duke. After sometime I saw Blake getting up and walking out of the cafeteria alone.

"I'm full. Bye guys" I said grabbing by bag and ran from there ignoring the yells from duke.

I went out and scanned the area to see a chocolate brown eyed man who made me sweat awhile ago. But I haven't find him, I slowly walked to my locker and opened it, a small note fell on to the ground. I opened it and saw

'Wait at the school gates if you want your letter back this evening'

I folded it and dropped inside my bag. I took books and walked to class.


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