Secret Talents

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~Does anyone have any secret talents?

Me: I don't think I have any, but I've been told I sing well. But that's not really kept as a secret from anyone since I sing a lot. I will also challenge anybody to a dance battle. (True story btw)
Papyrus: I can play the guitar, if that counts! It's embarrassing though...
Sans: Grillbz is teaching me mixology.
Toriel: I can paint. I'm teaching Chara and Frisk how, as well.
Asgore: I can make an herbal mix that helps with someone's throat when they're sick.
Chara: I'm good at drawing.
Frisk: Undyne's teaching me piano!~
Flowey: I'm pretty good with baking, actually.
Alphys: I-I can write fanfictions...
Undyne: I'm a great dancer.

~Are the Skelebros related to Gaster in any way?

Sans: As a matter of fact, yes! He's our father. Papyrus barely remembers him, but talks about him like he just saw him yesterday.

~Does anyone have a crush?

Asgore & Toriel: (smile at each other)
Me: Nope :P
Alphys: U-Undyne >\\\\\\<
Mettaton: (shakes head)
Undyne: Alphys is pretty cool UwU
Sans: whatareyoutalkingaboutidonthaveonegoaway
Papyrus: Um, no...? (looks away with a light blush)
Chara: Um... Papyrus... >\\\\\\\<
Frisk: I flirt with everyone, but if I had to choose one to date, either Papyrus or Asriel.
Flowey: Frisk is cool... but I'm a flower ;-;

~Has Alphys confessed to Undyne yet?

Alphys: N-not yet. I'm n-not ready.

~Are the minor characters, ex. Burgerpants, here too?

Me: Yes, actually! Monster Kid, Burgerpants, Grillby, the Snowdin Dogs, and all sorts of minor characters are here. You can ask or Dare anybody in Undertale ^^

~What gender are Frisk and Chara in this book?

Frisk: If you mean biological, Chara is female. (lowers voice to a whisper) I can change my gender.
Chara: Frisk goes by he, she or them, and I go by she or them.
Me: Welp, that's about it for this chapter! Make sure to leave more comments! Seriously, as many as you want :)

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