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Hadley's POV-

      I open my eyes slowly and feel a pair of large arms around my waist. That's when the memories of last night flood into my mind. I smile to myself and look at our naked bodies entwined together. I slowly and silently pull myself from his arms and the bed. I grab my thong from the floor and go to my room and pull on my t-shirt.

I grab my phone and start playing Swan Lake Suite quietly. I dance along to the music as I make some eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Then I hear "Ban All The Music" start coming from my phone and I get excited. I start dancing around and singing to myself. As the song comes to an end and I plate the food I hear slow clapping come from behind me. My cheeks heat up as I turn around slowly and see Charlie standing in the doorway of his bedroom, staring at me.

I internally groan as I see he put on his pants. Though he's still shirtless so, I have a slight reason to drool a river. 

"Good show," he says, his voice gravelly from sleep.

"Shut up," I blush and smile, setting his plate on the counter of the island as I just lean back against the main counter, facing him.

"I like that outfit," he gives a side smile.

"Perv," I smile back.

He reaches his arm out and I walk to him, he brings me closer to him, standing against his side, his arm around my hips. I wrap my arm loosely around his broad shoulders.

"So it makes me a perv," he kisses my cheek, "because the girl I just had amazing sex with is dancing around my kitchen in a t-shirt and thong?"

I smile and kiss his lips softly, "shut up."

My phone vibrates across the room and I leap and grab it from the coffee table.

"Shit," I mutter. Charlie just looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Hey daddy," I speak happily through the speakers.

"Hey darling, how's it going at uncle Char's?" He asks.

I blush knowing I can't give an honest answer.

"It's good, we've eaten a lot of pizza and watched movies mainly," I smile as I speak, as if he can see me.

"Well that's good... Charlie treatin you right?" He chuckles lightly.

You have no idea.

"Yeah he is," I glance up and see Charlie standing up and stretching, his shoulder blades and biceps flexing. My mouth goes dry.

"Good, well baby," he sighs, "tell Charlie I said hey and thank you."

"Will do," I smile as I continue admiring the sight in front of me.

"Love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, daddy," I smile as I speak again.

I hang up and set my phone on the coffee table again.

"Could you at least try to not look so damn good while I'm on the phone with father dearest?" I smile sweetly at him and roll my eyes.

"Genetics, a blessing and a curse," he shrugs back and smiles.

I shake my head, "so confident Mr. Jekyll."

He cringes as I say his name.

"If this is going to turn into a 'where's the psycho Mr. Jekyll?' Thing I will not be happy."

"Psycho?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Jekyll and Hyde?" He crosses his large arms over his chest.

"Oh I've already met Hyde," I smirk at him.

"Oh really?" He cocks an eyebrow as I walk slowly to him.

"Yeah," I skim my finger up his chest slowly, "he was in bed with me."

I see the smile form on his face.

He pulls my hand up and kisses my palm, "your too kind," he says relatively sarcastically.

"Oh! Daddy says hi," I laugh quietly and kiss his chest.

"I feel bad lying to him," his brows scrunch together.

"We're not lying," I shrug, "just not telling him anything."

"Hadley," he sighs, "I feel bad. He's my best friend."

"Then we'll tell him. Just not yet. 'Hey dad, welcome home. By the way I'm sleeping with Charlie'. He may not like that surprise," I giggle even though it's a serious topic.

"Hadley," he steps back slightly and sighs.

"No. No, sir," I shake my head and move towards him again, "you don't get to make me scream your name and having earth shattering sex with me. Then chicken out," I breathe deep as I finish.

He stares at me.

"You wanted that just as much as I did. We will figure this out Charlie. Together."

He gives a side smile and nods, "okay."

"Okay? I mean, of course it's okay," I'm slightly shocked by the fact he agreed with me.

He smiles and kisses my cheek before walking into the kitchen, "we'll have to be careful at the office especially when your dad gets back."

"Oh I know."

Charles' POV-

I stare at the beautiful sight in front of me and as happy as I am with us being a "thing" now, it makes my stomach flip when I think about what this could do to Michael. This is his little girl. His only child.

He trusted me to take care of her and I'm sleeping with her. I mean, I guess that counts as taking care of her, but that's so not what he meant. At all.

Best case scenario? He wishes us a happy life and a loving relationship, however, I don't see that happening any time soon.

"Charlie?" She snaps her fingers in front of me.

"Yeah?" I answer suddenly remembering I'm not alone.

"Stop." She looks at me like a concerned mother.

"Stop what?" I rest my hands on the counter and lean forward onto them.

She stands and walks to my side, moving my hand and standing between my arms, her face close to mine.

"Stop stressing," she whispers.

"I can't," I sigh and look down.

She lifts my head to face her, "yes you can. Just think about how happy we are."

I smile and kiss her gently, pulling her against my body, "okay."

She smiles and I pick her up and set her on the counter.

"I really like us," she smiles and I stand between her legs.

"So do I," I smile back and kiss her head, she lays her head down on my chest and we just stand there. Enjoying each other's presence.

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