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I get out of bed and stare at the clock... 3:45am. Great. I look to my left and see that Hadley's gone. Great, again. I stand slowly and open the bedroom door, allowing a flood of light into the room. I stare out into the living room and see Hadley curled up under a blanket on the couch, watching a movie.

"Can't sleep?" I ask groggily.

"You too?" She asks and pats the couch beside her.

"Yeah... having your bestfriend punch you in the face because you're banging his daughter might put you in a restless mood," I blabber and run my hand through my messy hair.

"Charles," she uses my full name, "stop. You got punched, yes. I got yelled at, yes. But we're happy. And if he doesn't understand that this is what we want... than he's the asshole okay?"

"Hadley," I sigh, "this is wrong. I've said it so many times. It's so wrong oh my god."

She kisses me slowly and I pull back quickly, "stop it."

"Stop what?"

"When in doubt try to fuck... is that what you're doing? Because quite frankly, as much as I love having sex with you, not all of our problems can be solved with sex!"

"Hey! I'm just trying to show you how much I love you," she stands up and throws her arms up in defeat.

"Wait a minute," I say and pull her down onto my lap by her wrist, "I'm sorry. I'm tired, I think I just lost my oldest friend, and I'm just mad," I whisper.

She gives a small, sad, smile and lays her head on my chest, "I know... I love you," she whispers back and nuzzles her head into my chest.

"I love you too," I sigh and as I drift asleep again I feel her breathing slow down as she falls back asleep, The Outsiders playing in the background.


I lift my head groggily off the couch arm and see Hadley still laying on top of me, arms and legs intertwined with mine. I smile at the sight and glance at the clock under the tv.

9:54... how am I still so tired? I rub my eyes with my spare hand.

"Stop moving," she whisper moans, "I'm trying to sleep."

I let out a small laugh.

"Damn. Your morning laugh is sexy as hell," she snickers to herself, still not looking at me as she talks.

"Why thank you," I whisper.

I pat her butt and kiss her head, "we should get up."

"If I get up, the only place I'm going is straight to my room... or yours."

"Hadley," I laugh a little, "what do I need to do to get you up?"

She finally turns her head to look at me, her green eyes holding me in place.

"Sex usually wakes me up pretty good," she side smirks and gives a face like 'bet you won't.'

"God damn. How are you always up for sex?"

She trails her fingertips along the indentation of my abs, "look at you."

I smile and before I can respond I feel her lips against my stomach.

"Woah now. Slow down girl," I say playfully and she smiles against my skin.

"How have I never noticed this before?" She asks and runs a finger over a scar on my stomach. I shift awkwardly and shrug.

"I never really point it out to people," I give an uncomfortable smile.

"What happened?"

"Let me put it lightly," I bite my lip, "I was used as a human ash tray."

"Wait. These are cigarette burns?" She questions and eyes them intently.

"Yeah," I clear my throat, "mind if we change the subject now?"

"Who did it to you?"

"A couple people," I respond blankly, as the memories come back.

"Charles... who?"

"My mom, dad, and Andrea," I answer with a straight face as I respond.

"I'm so sorry," she whispers and kisses each scar individually.

"It's okay. It's in the past."


I know it's not a long chapter buuuuut here you go!

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