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Hadley's POV-

I grab my hoodie and throw it on over my sports bra and head out the door. I send Charles a quick text that I'm running to target. As soon as I step outside there's a woman in a black suit with a neck badge staring at me.

"Are you Hadley Trait?"

"Yes?" I answer.

She then motions with her hand and a bunch of people come up to me. They ask me all sorts of weird questions, from 'how old are you' to 'what kind of tampons do you prefer?' It becomes too much too fast and I run back inside. I head up the stairs to Charlie's apartment and enter quickly.

"Had?" He asks as him and his brother sit in the living room, eating breakfast.

"They're fucking weird out there," I sigh and set my bag down.

"Who are?"

"The- the animals outside with mics and cameras," I shake my head and make my way to Charles on the couch.

"For real," I furrow my brows and shake my head, "who's business is it if I'm having sex?"

"The probably heard it," Anthony responds and I can feel my face turning so many shades of red.

"Annnnd we're done," Charlie says as he stands up, leaving my back cold.

I step into the bathroom and apply some BB Cream and eyeliner. As I pull out my mascara I see Charles behind me in the mirror.

"What are you doing?" He asks as he steps behind me and places his arms securely around my waist.

"Getting ready to run to the store," I answer as I apply my mascara.

"Better Than Sex?" He reads the label and grins, "wanna test that theory?"

I smirk and shake my head, "I'm trying to get ready for target."

"Makeup for Target?" He asks as he moves his lips gently across the back of my neck.

I tilt my head down and sigh, "makeup for the freaks with cameras."

"Ooo we should get a camera for when we're freaks," his hands work their way under my hoodie and sports bra and I smile and close my eyes.

"I really don't want to know how I look when we're in bed," I lean myself back into him.

He shakes his head bites gently down on my neck, "I could watch it all day."

As my eyes flutter open again I see Anthony watching from around the doorway. I pull myself away from Charles quickly.

"What the fuck Anthony?!" I scream and Charles flips around and starts screaming at his brother. I leave the apartment quickly, ignoring everyone on my way out and running swiftly passed the man in a black SUV calling my name. I run until I reach target then I walk casually inside and grab a cart. I grab a few things of gushers, some Capri suns, and some more little groceries we needed. As I'm checking out I see a woman snapping pictures of me on her phone. I quickly look down at the pin pad as I swipe my card. I grab my bags and walk out of the store. As I come out, the same man in the black SUV calls my name.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Mr. Jackson," he responds politely, "I'm the driver for the Jekyll family. I'm now yours as well," he responds and opens the back door.

"And I should trust you why?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Because," he shrugs, "you can."

I eye him carefully as I slowly enter the car.

"I'm warning you," I say quietly from the backseat, "I know karate."

"Ma'am, I'm 53" he responds blankly, "it wouldn't be much of a fight."

I can't help but grin slightly as we pull up in front of the apartment complex.

"Thank you Mr. Jackson." I smile as I exit the vehicle. I was up the stairs as I wonder what happened in the apartment. Am I going to walk in on a dead body? I enter the room and see Charles sitting on the couch. He stands as I enter the room and set all the bags down.

"How'd it go?" I ask quietly.

That's when I turn and see the blood all around his nose and mouth. I grab a washcloth and run it under some water before running over to him.

"My God," I say as I sit him down and straddle his waist, "we have to stop meeting like this," I joke.

He lets out a chuckle, "I know. I'm just excited that I get you on my lap each time."

Now I laugh as I finish cleaning up the dried blood. I lean down and gently kiss his head.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper in his ear as I run my thumb back and forth on his cheek.

He shakes his head and brings my face down to meet our eyes.

"Don't be," He pecks my lips, "it's not even close to your fault." I nod slowly and kiss him again, slower and more passionately.

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