You had One Job

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Sophie's POV

I open my eyes only to be blinded by the white lights. I blink a couple times to adjust to it. I can hear beeping and muffled conversations. I try to sit up but pain rushes through my body. I can't help but scream out in pain and nurses flood my room.

"Ms. Anderson are you alright?" One of the nurses asks.

"No. Where am I? What happened to me? Why do I feel like this? How long have I been-" I am cut off by a doctor that enters the room.

"Ms. Anderson calm down. You were crossing the street when you were struck by a van. You hit the ground pretty hard. You have a mild concussion and you broke your left arm  and two ribs. You should fully heal in three months, but until then you must wear a cast. Does that sound okay?" He says.

"Umm... I guess so. Do I have any other choice?" I reply sarcastically.

"Well, I'm glad you have your sense of humor. In addition, you will stay in the hospital tonight and you will be released tomorrow. Since you are under 18, we will need a parent signature to release you." He says and I start to cry. "What is wrong Ms. Anderson?"

"My parents passed away on my birthday almost three years ago." I say shakily. The faces of everyone in the room drop.

"Ms. Anderson, I.. I am so-"

"It's okay. I have been able to survive and thrive on my own. It's just something we all have to do sometime. I just had to do it sooner than others, and please stop calling me Ms. Anderson. I feel old; call me Sophie." I reply.

"Well Sophie, you are one strong young woman. I will sign the paper on your behalf and you can go on your way. If you ever need anything, my name is Chad." The doctor says and leave the room with everyone else except one nurse. I watch as they walk away and then turn to her.

"Hello Sophie, I am Ally, I am here to assist you with anything. Would you like some water?" Ally politely says.

"Hi Ally. Water sounds great right now, I am parched." I reply. She nods and walks out of the room. I pause and wonder who hit me. I try to remember what was going on at the time.

Ugh, I just realized that I am going to have to call work and clear this up. More importantly, I need to call Kenzie. I look around the boring hospital room for my phone. I spot it on the table all the way across the room.

I sit up in my bed and pain shoots through my arm and chest. I stand up but fall back onto the bed because my legs are weak. Great. I brush it off and try again. I manage to stand up successfully and start to walk across the room. From the bed, this room feels tiny but when I am walking, it feel like a mile long.

I manage to get to the table and Ally returns. "I see you have started to explore! That's good. Here is your water. Do you need anything else?"

"Thank you. I have one question before you can go. Do you know who hit me? I'm curious." I ask.

"I do know, but they have been wanting to come back and talk to you since the accident. The doctor wanted you to rest a little before you talk to them. Would you like to speak to them?" Wait hold on, them? I'm confused.

"Ally what do you mean by them?"

"There are 5 guys. They have been waiting in the waiting room all day. I can tell them to leave if you would like."

"That would be great. I do not think I am up to talking tonight. Could you tell them to come back tomorrow?"

"Sure thing. Besides, visiting hours are almost done anyways. You should rest now. I will see you in the morning." Ally says as she walks off. Now I have to call Kenzie. Great.

I open my phone and hesitantly type her number. I listen to the phone ring a couple of times before she picks up.

"Holy shit Sophie where are you? I have been worried!"

"Kenzie it's okay. I am in the hospital because I got hit by a car- actually a van today on my way to work. I'm okay I just have a broken arm and I broke two ribs. I also have a mild concuss-"


"KENZ calm down!" I stifle out a laugh. "You can't come now because visiting hours are over, but you can come in the morning."

"I'm about to be there. Fuck the visiting hours you are my best friend I will stay there until you leave. Deal? Deal. Okay see-you-soon-love-you-bye." She hung up the phone. I love her.

I wait for her to come rush in the room, and after five minutes she did.


"Oh my goodness! I wonder why they were here."

"I don't know but it was SO COOL. I will let you sleep now because you need it. I will be right here if you need anything."

"Thank you Kenzie. Goodnight." I say.

"Good night Sophie. See you in the morning." She replies as I drift off into darkness.

Word Count: 987

I'm back! I tried to make this chapter a little bit longer. I'm trying. If you enjoy it please vote thank you for reading this💕💕 -b

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