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A/N WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This chapter has a lot of cussing/swearing in it so if you do not like that then don't read it. Thanks!

You have been warned.

"You!" She yells with disgust.

What did I do?

She starts to walk towards me with her finger pointed at me. I start to walk backwards and keep my distance from her.

"You little bitch stole my man! Zach is mine, and you little shit have no right to be around him. He doesn't love you. He uses you. He loves me." She is yelling at me and walks faster towards me. Jonah and Daniel grab her and hold her back and she starts kicking and screaming. "ZACH IS MINE. YOU LITTLE BITCH."

I figured it out.

It's Aubrey.

I don't know where Zach went, but that's okay. I understand that he doesn't want to be near her, and I wouldn't either. I forgot to mention that I have a horrible temper. I am usually very calm and sweet, but once you hurt me, or someone I love, I lose it. I start to get angry, really angry. I know what she has done to Zach, and I can't control myself.

"Okay listen here. I don't know who the fuck you think you are talking to because I hope it is not me, otherwise we would have a problem-"

"Yeah I'm talking to you bitch." She says sternly.

"Alright, well Aubrey, he doesn't fucking LOVE YOU ANYMORE! You hurt him in so many ways. You broke him Aubrey. YOU USED HIM." I am screaming at the top of my lungs right now and everyone else is just staring at me. Aubrey is just smirking at me. I start to walk towards her as I am screaming and Kenzie gets up and walks towards me. "YOU TREATED HIM LIKE SHIT AND YOU EXPECT HIM TO LOVE YOU?? Wow you must be really FUCKING STUPID if you even THINK that. Zach is an amazing guy and doesn't even deserve me let alone your sorry ass. You just need to get the fuck away from here and NEVER COME BACK." I am almost in her face when Kenzie pulls me back.

"You silly little bitch, he is actually using you. Zach isn't as innocent as he claims to be." She says and that sends me off the edge.

"If I ever see you around Zach you will regret it. Oh and instead of hunting down your ex for attention, why don't you come up with better comebacks!" I yell and the boys ooh and hiss. Yeah, that hurt. They probably think I am insane, and quite frankly, I kind of am.

"You need to forget about Zach and move on. It actually shows your immaturity that you keep coming back to your ex for pity points! Oh boo hoo, my name is Aubrey and no one is paying attention to me, maybe if I go and harass my ex boyfriend maybe he'll pay attention to me!  Well guess what Aubrey, it DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY." 

"Let go of me." She hisses at Jonah and Daniel and they look at me questionably. I nod and they let her go.

"Fine. I will go, but this won't be the last time you see me Sophia.." She says and walks towards the door. I am pulling from Kenzie so hard, Jonah has to come and help her hold me back.

"Yes it is. You don't deserve Zach, and NEVER call me Sophia, EVER. Now LEAVE US ALONE. HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE." How did she know my name.

She walks out of the door and Kenzie and Jonah let go of me. Everyone is silent and just staring at me. I walk out back and sit in the grass. I sigh and lay down. I haven't yelled like that in forever. I cannot believe that she would come by here, and try to get Zach under her spell again. Just thinking of her makes me angry. I can see why Zach would like her, she was really pretty.

I wish I had my notebook right now. I sit and start to sing the song I have been working on to myself. I feel emotion in every lyric. I end up crying by the time the song finishes. I look back at the house and Zach's window is open. His light is off, so I bet he is just sitting there. I cannot imagine what he feels like right now. I go inside and everyone is talking on the couch. I shut the door and everything falls silent. I go to go upstairs and they are all staring at me. I just shake my head and go to the spare room. I don't think Zach wants to talk to me now. I shut the door and go into the bed. I don't know if what I just did was good for him or bad, but I feel guilty. I end up crying myself to sleep.

I'm sorry Zach..

Zach's POV

I cannot believe Aubrey found where we are. One of the main reasons why we moved away from the old house so she wouldn't come near us, well me. I cannot stand her. She is so manipulative. She lies and persuades people to believe her. I actually hate her. She kept saying that I loved her and not Sophie, but that is a lie. I hate her, and actually love Sophie.


I cannot believe she stood up for me like that. I never expected something like that to come out of her. Actually, how did she know about Aubrey? I never told her about her specifically. I guess one of the boys told her. I need to find out who, because I was going to tell her, but I guess that ship sailed.

I love Sophie. I do. I am caught up in so many feelings right now. I hate Aubrey, I love Sophie, I am stressed on how Aubrey found us. I am annoyed that someone told Sophie about Aubrey. I am so proud of Sophie for standing up for me, but I am also annoyed at myself for not being there for her. I should have stayed with Sophie. I should have helped her fight. I should have... but I didn't. I am a coward. I was too weak to even confront my ex, but she hurt me so badly I couldn't take it. I wish Sophie would come in here. I should actually go find her.

I lay on my bed when I hear faint singing. I look out my window and Sophie is sitting in the grass in our backyard. She is singing a song I have never heard before. It is probably her own. I sit and listen to her angelic voice as she sings.

'Cause I got issues
But you got 'em too
So give 'em all to me
And I'll give mine to you
Bask in the glory
Of all our problems
'Cause we got the kind of love
It takes to solve 'em

Yeah, I got issues
And one of them is how bad I need you

And one of them is how bad I need you
I got issues, you got 'em too

She starts crying, but continues to sing. Even when she is crying, her voice is amazing. I should go down there and comfort her, but I don't think she would want to see me. I dipped out on her when she needed me. I finally get the will to get up and go down there when I look out of the window. She stopped singing and was still crying. She looks up to my window and I jump out of the way. I hope she didn't see me. I need to go talk to her. She gets up and walks inside and I stay in my room.

My bed feels empty with her not in it. I hear her go into the spare room and I walk towards the door. I hear faint sniffling and I sit against the door.

Why do I always have to mess up.

I get up and go back to my room. I shut the door and slide into my bed.

Why can't I do anything right?

I'm sorry Sophie.

Word Count:1441


I know this chapter was UBER short Im sorry

I felt like I should end it here and pick up with it in the next chapter, WHICH will be published soon.


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