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Sophie's POV

I wake up to an unfamiliar ceiling, but this ceiling is like no other that I have seen before. It has color painted in abstract forms. Reds, oranges, blues. It resembles a sunset, one on the infamous California shore. (Image above) I love sunsets. There is something about them that takes my breath away. Not just because they are gorgeous, which is true; but the idea that no sunset is the same. The sunset one day is not the same the next day. They may look similar, but they are entirely different in every way. They are the transition from a wonderful day, to an even better night. How I ended up in a room with a sunset on the ceiling, I don't know. Everything happens for a reason, right?

I lift my head up, and pain shoots down my spine and out to every nerve ending in my body. I shriek out as flames ingulf my body, internally. I see a shadow from my right appear and I wince in fear. I don't want to get hurt anymore. "Don't hurt me, please." I plead quietly. I turn my head slightly and the figure become clear.

"Oh Sophie" Kenzie gasps. I sigh in relief as she grabs my hand. It hurts slightly, but I do not show it. Right now, I just need the support of my best friend. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm just dandy Kenzie." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"At least you still have your sense of humor." She says and rolls her eyes and I smile, but not for that reason alone. I smile because that's what the doctor said when I was in the hospital the first time. I know, the first time, it sounds depressing. But that time wasn't depressing. It was actually the best thing to ever happen to me. These past two and a half months have been the best of my entire life. Two and a half months, holy shit. I have gone through hell and back, but I have had the most amazing people there with me.

"I guess so." I respond and we both stare off and zone out. We are brought back to reality when a nurse comes in. I cannot help but smile when I see who it is.

"Hello Sophie."

"Ally!" I cheer and she smiles.

"Tis I! The great and powerful ALLY! As much as I like you, why are you here?" She asks and I lose my smile. The thought of what happened to me brings shivers down my spine. Just the thought of him makes me want to hurl.

"I umm.. I was uhh..-"

"She was kidnapped, raped, and assaulted for two weeks straight. We found her two days ago." Kenzie says and I look at her weirdly. Two days ago?? But I came in last night, I remember it. Was I out for that long?

"Oh my honey, I am so sorry." Ally trails off.

"It's okay, but wait a minute. Two days?" I ask and Kenzie nods.

"Yeah. You were knocked out from all the drugs and you slept through yesterday. Your nurses tried to wake you, but you were delusional. But they let us paint the ceiling!" She says and I furrow my brows.


"Us. The hospital was painting all the ceilings in the rooms so they would be more appealing for the patients, and they let us decide what to put on there. I know you love sunsets, so I asked Corbyn to paint this, and here it is." No way.

"Corbyn did this?" I am speechless. It is amazing.

"Yeah. It's really good. It took him like 5 hours, but he did it!" She says and I am astonished. Who knew Corbyn could be so artsy. This is so sweet.

"Thank you. I love it. Speaking of, where are they?" I ask and Ally continues.

"They are in the waiting room. Only two others can come in, because the limit is three. Who do you want?" She asks and I reply immediately.

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