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Sophie's POV

"You made it! For a second I thought you were going to be a no show." Aubrey sneers. Her bleach blonde hair is pulled back into a high ponytail. She is wearing a hot pink sports bra and matching leggings with white nike sneakers. Talk about obnoxious. As for Becca, she is wearing a black sports bra and leggings with a grey and black pattern on them. She is also wearing white sneakers. Wow, they're almost the same person... oh wait! THEY ARE. They're both back stabbing lying-

"I am a woman of my word." I reply. Becca rolls her eyes and I disregard it. I take off my sweatshirt and look to Kenzie. She is as ready as I am to whoop these girls' asses. All of us step into the ring and we stand in front of each other. My breathing picks up as the adrenaline rushes through my body.

"It is going to be one on one, and you can tap out only one time per person. So say we are fighting and you tap Mackenzie in, then you cannot tap her in again. Got it? Good." Becca says.

"Alright." I say as Aubrey straps on these huge white boxing gloves. What is she fucking 11? She can't hit with her own hands so she has to use padding from a glove? WEAK. (a/n haha WEAK! get it.. the second verse...) Kenzie reads my mind and starts laughing. She grabs our wrap and starts to wrap her hands.

"You need gloves?" She laughs and Aubrey rolls her eyes.

"Yes. You do too. There are some in the other room." She spits and I shrug my shoulders. I am fine with kicking her ass using my hands, but I guess I should play fair.. I walk into the other room and grab a pair of black gloves and slide them on. I don;t know if these are going to help me or hurt me, but I guess we will find out. As I walk back into the other room, I see a black Range Rover drive past the building. What if that is Daniel?

Nah, probably not.

I return and Aubrey is already in the ring. "Look What You Just Made Me Do" by Taylor Swift is blaring in the background as I step in. Perfect music because I'm ready to give this girl hell, not only for hurting me, but more so for hurting Zach. You don't fuck with us. (a/n YOU don't FUCK WITH THE LOGANG)

"Once someone knocks out, it's done. Until then, it's open game. Touch gloves." Becca says and I hold out my hand, but Aubrey never touches it. FINE. You want to do it like that? Fine by me.

"Alright. Ready," She backs away and out of the ring, leaving only me and Aubrey. "Fight!" She yells and I bring my fists up. There is so much adrenaline running through me, I am bouncing off my feet. Aubrey is moving her fists in little circles (like old people fighting? I don't really know how to describe except for the fact that she looks really fucking stupid). We circle around waiting for the other person to throw the first punch.

"You've got this Sophie. Do it for the pans!" She says and I smile. We used to call my parents "pans" when we didn't want them or anyone to know we were talking about them. It worked!

I decide to throw the first hit, but as I go to swing, Aubrey jets her fist out and I dodge it. I give her a fast right hook and she stumbles back. That gives me the opportunity to strike her down. Luckily I have been training. I throw two more punches to her stomach and an upper cut to her chin. She hits me in the shoulder and stomach. She kicks my side and I stumble back. OH so we're doing that too? Great.

"Don't let her get to you Sophie you've got this. Do it for Zach." Kenzie cheers. I'm so glad I have a motivational speaker with me today lol.

"Do it for Zach Aubrey! Show him who is better." Becca sneers and it catches me off guard. Aubrey throws a hard punch to my temple and I fall to the ground. She throws herself on top of me and straddles my waist.

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