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Zach's POV

Sophie started to strum the guitar and she sounded great. More than great, amazing. I'm so blessed to have such a talented, beautiful, and amazing girl with me.

But what I am confused about is how Jeff has already heard her sing. She doesn't post covers, nor does she even have a Youtube channel. How?? Also, when she came in here, she seemed familiar with it. Sophie just walked in and sat in a chair. She usually sits and admires architecture, especially modern. Yes, I notice the little things.

Like the way she blushes when I speak to her, and the way we stare into each other's eyes even when all hell is breaking loose. The way she hums every note to every song, in hopes of me not hearing. The way she twiddles her fingers when she gets nervous, and the infamous lip bite. When she bit her lip, I exploded inside. Not only did she get turned on, but so did I.

Seeing that made me want to kiss every inch of her body until her knees go weak. I want to run my finger tips over every curve of her body, never missing a spot. I want her to scream my name. I want her, but I won't do anything until she gives me the green light. I want her to want it, and not just a do it and done type of action. I want it to have meaning, passion, not just lust. I have had my fair share of lustful sex. I roll my eyes as Sophie continues to sing. Shit I hope she didn't think I was doing that because of her singing.

Shit Zach. Hopefully she wasn't looking. She strums the guitar and sways with the rhythm of the song. She sings like an angel. Her voice is smooth like silk. I sit back and close my eyes as she finishes the song. We all stand up cheering and clapping. "Sophie, that was amazing! Now boys, it's your turn." Jeff says as we all nod and head towards the microphones. Jeff pulls Sophie aside and they start to talk. She starts to smile and nods her head. They walk out of the room together, but Jeff returns later without her. "Jeff, umm where is Sophie?"

"Oh, she'll be back, she's just doing something. It's a surprise." Jeff says and I nod my head. Surprise? Oh my...

Sophie's POV

The guys all walk toward the microphones and Jeff walks over to me. "Hey Sophie, I really want to record your song. Would you be alright with that?" Is he serious? I can't help but smile and nod because I am speechless. "Okay good. We have another booth across the hall. There you will meet Adam and James. They are very nice, and super chill; they will help you. I know you will do great things." I might just start crying.

"Thank you so much Jeff. You really do not have to do this."

"But I want to, so let us go. I will walk you there." He says as we walk out of the door. I look back at Zach and he is singing the song, that I wrote. I still get chills when I think about it. I cannot believe that they are actually going to sing my song. I wrote it.. that's insane. I never thought that my songs would be used. I never thought I would show anyone my songs. I have come a long way. My parents would be proud..

We go down the hall and through another door. This booth is smaller, but it still has a piano in it. It has the same style of the other one, so I don't take my time investigating it. There is a wall with a glass window, and there are two guys in there. I'm guessing that is Adam and James. They are very tall and lean, both of them. They have dirty blonde hair that is slicked back. They are wearing all black. Black t-shirt, black jeans, and black shoes. They look similar too, are they twins?? Jeff opens the door and we walk into the room where they are. There are control panels everywhere with lots of buttons, switches, knobs, and lights. How does one know which ones do what..? It takes skill I can imagine. "Guys, this is Sophie. Sophie, this is Adam and this is James." He goes from left to right and they are identical. They wave and I say hi. "She is Zach's girlfriend and she wrote their new song for the EP." He says and their jaws drop. I am fighting the urge to flip my hair... UGH

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