final a/n :'(

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Hello lovelies, 

I have finished editing, and Why Don't We Just is officially over! Thank you for constantly reading and voting and commenting. It really means the world to me. This story was so fun to write! As I was reading through and editing, I remember feeling all the feels when I first wrote it. I really hope you enjoyed this story as much as I have. 

There will not be a sequel. 

I know. How could I? 

Well here's my rationale. All good stories have to come to an end sometime, and that time is now for this story. ALSO, I am starting to write another story. I don't know which member it will be about in general yet, but I'm in the process of writing another WDW fan fic. It is called The Roomate. SO, go check it out when I post it! I'm going to try to finish the book before I publish it, so I can do regular scheduled updates. BUT, that means it won't be posted for a while, so bare with me people. I'm doing my best over here. 

IN CONCLUSION, I am so happy that this story turned out alright and with 18k views are you serious?! That's literally amazing. Thank you guys so much. ILYILYILYILYILYILYILYILYILYILY

FOr the actual last time, if you enjoyed this entire story, please vote, comment, and SHARE IT. 

Thank You


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