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Zach's POV

Sophie has been up in our room for the past 40 minutes, well at least according to Jeff. Ahh, our room. I haven't seen her since she left to get her hair done. It is 7:30 and people will start to arrive soon. Well, only the early birds.. I am sitting on the couch with the boys. From left to right, Jack, Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, and me. We all are wearing black jeans and different shirts. I have a black shirt on. I wonder what Sophie is wearing. She could show up in sweat pants and still look the best in the room.

I hear the door open and Aspen walks in. "Hey guys! I finally made it." She is wearing a blue velvet dress that hugs her body and her hair is straightened. She looks great! If Aspen looks this nice, I can only imagine how stunning Sophie will look. She sits on the couch and the other guy's girls file in, except me and Corbyn. Kenzie walks in from the kitchen and she looks great too. Suddenly, the most beautiful creature on the planet walks down the stairs. Sophie's hair is curled and she is wearing makeup. I have never seen her in makeup before. She looks just as beautiful, makeup or none. She is wearing a red velvet dress that fits her perfectly in all the right places. She is gorgeous.

"Bro. You literally have drool spilling out. Get a grip." Jonah says and I wipe my mouth. There was no drool and I shoot a playful glare to Jonah. He just laughs and walks away. She makes it to the bottom of the stairs and smiles at me. I just stare at her. It's not that I didn't want to smile, it's just that I literally was frozen. Her beauty has me under a spell. She walks towards me and I cannot control myself. I quickly kiss her and she smiles and returns it. I quickly intensify the kiss and she accepts it.

"GET A ROOM!" Daniel yells and they all laugh. Sophie breaks the kiss and I flip off Daniel.

"Babe you look amazing, beyond amazing.. uhh.. I"

"Thanks Zach. I'm glad you like it." She smiles and spins around. How did I end up with such an amazing girlfriend. Sophie is a DEFINITE upgrade from Aubrey. I am so lucky.

More people eventually start to show up, and the party begins. Jeff stands in the middle of everyone holding a microphone. He motions for us to go over to him and me and the guys follow his order. We stand next to him as he begins to speak.

"Hello everyone! Thank you for coming to this launch party for the Why Don't We Just EP! We are so proud of these boys and how much work they have put into the EP. I am going to turn it over to them to explain the songs." Shit I forgot we were doing this. He hands the mic to Corbyn as the rest of the people clap. He explains We The Party, Daniel gets Runner, Jack gets All My Love, Jonah gets I Depend On You, and I get Why Don't We Just. They all go through and now it is my turn.

"Hey everyone! The last song on the EP is actually the title of it, Why Don't We Just. I would love to explain it to you, but I think the songwriter herself should do it. My extremely talented girlfriend wrote the entire song. She truly has a gift. Please welcome, Sophie Anderson!" I cheer and she looks at me with wide eyes. She walks up to me and kisses me on the cheek. The crowd awes and she takes the mic. She does an amazing job telling everyone the reason why she wrote it, and what it means. She finishes and gives the mic back to Jeff.

"Have a great night everyone!" Jeff closes and everyone cheers.

"Zach what the hell! I was so unprepared!" Sophie squeals.

"You were amazing; much better than I would have been." I say and she nods.

"Good point. I love you." She says and kisses me. Tonight couldn't get any better.


Sophie's POV

The party is so fun! The EP sounds amazing and everyone is having a great time. There is a lot of music, food, and conversation. I cannot believe I am here right now. I am next to Zach talking to Aspen when Jeff pulls me aside. "Sophie, it is almost 10."

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