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Sophie's POV

I wake up in an empty room with an unfamiliar ceiling. I sit up in bed and look around. I am in the spare room. It is so bright in here and I walk to the window. The boys are all in the backyard just chilling with a really tall blonde guy. I think that might be Logan Paul. Holy shit he is bigger in person, in a good way. I go to the bathroom and look at myself. The bags under my eyes are dark, my hair is a mess, and my clothes are wrinkled. I go to my bag and pull out some comfortable clothes. I plan on staying in this room as much as possible today. I have work to do.

I put on some sweatpants and a t shirt. I brush my teeth and pull my hair into a bun. I open my laptop and open the boys' song. I go to the closet and here is a guitar in there, only at their house. I grab it and strum a G chord. It is in tune and I sit down on the bed. I think of what chords would sound good with their vocal range and the lyrics. I started to sing the lyrics and I liked how they were. I start slowly figuring out the song and begin to add harmonies. They're optional, but I don't know what they are going to do with it. I continue to work on it, and I work on my song a little bit too.

I don't know how long I have been in here. I look out the window and the sun looks like it's about to set. I should probably go downstairs and eat something. I open my door and I hear nothing. I go to the top of the staircase and I still hear nothing. I walk downstairs and still, nothing. Where is everyone? I look on the counter and there is a note.


Hey the guys went with Logan to the driving range. They left around 3, so I don't know when they will be back. I went to the store to go get some food because why not? You know I love grocery shopping.

Very true, she loves grocery shopping.

If you need anything just text me.
Love you Sophie

I love her. What should I do while they're gone? I should go to the gym. I need to go. I used to go all the time. I run to my room and change into a cute workout outfit and grab my phone. I go downstairs and grab some keys. I go outside and I unlock a car. It's Daniel's car. I throw my water bottle in my bag and set it in the car. I go back into the house and I write on the same paper KENZ did.

To whom it may concern,

I am alive lol. I went to the gym and I'll be back. If anyone needs anything I'll pick it up for you, just text me. Daniel I took your car I hope you don't mind.


I put the pen down and go into the car. I start it and drive into the city. I find a parking spot in front of the gym and I mentally cheer! This never happens. I walk in the gym and wave to the front desk girl, Becca.

"Hey Sophie! Long time no see!!" She says and I smile. It's so nice to be with someone who is not a boy lol.

"I know. I have just had a lot going on." I say and gesture to my cast.

"Oh my god what happened?"

"Well funny story, I got hit by a van and I broke my left arm and some ribs. I should actually be getting my cast off here soon. I go to the doctors at the end of the week to see if I need to wear it for another two months or if I can take it off if it has healed properly." I totally forgot about that appointment until now. It is actually tomorrow! Oh my god!

"Oh my god Sophie! I hope you can get it off. I'll pray for you." She says and my heart melts. She is very sweet.

"Thank you. What are you up to now?"

"Well I am dancing more now. My friend Sam and I go to dance almost every night. Actually, she just met a new guy and she's really excited about it." She says and I instantly make the connection. I knew I know Samantha's friend Becca. She's one of my friends too! That's so funny! What a small world. I decide to not say anything because I actually don't want to talk about Zach right now. I feel bad.

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