
978 22 9

Sophie's POV

I wake up in an empty bed. I sit up and I am completely naked. There is blood everywhere, and it is mine. I scream out, but no one hears me. My heart is beating loudly and I continue to scream out. I am in so much pain right now. Everything in me, burns. I cannot escape the pain as I sink into the bed. I hear a deep yet familiar voice start to talk.


You are mine forever

You are so good to me

A thrust of pain fills my body and I cry out. What is happening to me? Where is everyone?

Why me??

Who's Harry's girl? You are... that's right.

The pain intensifies as I feel worse than the original incident. I am mute in my efforts to scream. What is taking over me? The voice fades in and out and I hear cars in the city, in the background. I grunt as waves of pain quickly increase.

You feel so good Sophie.. you're everything that I have wanted

You are taken, by me..

It's him. It's the guy from Chipotle. These are some of the things he said to me while he was sexually assaulting me. This is what it felt like. I am reliving my worst nightmare..

Say goodbye to your pretty boy, you will always have a piece of me..

I will always be here...

His voice booms in my head and I cannot take this torture anymore. I feel myself shake vigorously and I scream out in agony.

"Sophie?!?! Sophie?!!? SOPHIE?!" I open my eyes and sit up in bed. There is sweat rolling down my forehead. I am extremely hot and I look over. Zach is looking at me as if I was a ghost. He pulls me into a hug and I start to cry. Not only tears of sadness, but tears of relief. It was only a nightmare, but it felt so real. I could HEAR what he said to me. I could FEEL what he did to me. "Sophie what happened? Is everything alright? You were screaming." He asks panicked.

"I had the worst dream.. well nightmare. I woke up and you weren't here, and there was blood everywhere and I kept hearing his voice." I say scared.

"Whose voice Sophie?" He asks.


"Who the hell is Harry?!"

"The guy from Chipotle!" I cry out and his eyes go wide and his mouth opens slightly, and closes again. As if he was going to say something, but then continues.

"What else happened?" 

"I could feel it. Everything.." I whimper.

"Oh Sophie. Baby girl.." He says as he pulls me in closer. "I am so sorry. I am here. I will protect you. He will never come close to you again, I'll kill him." He says and I stifle out a laugh.

"I know, I know, but I can't change what he did to me. He took away my innocence Zach." I say sadly and he furrows his brows.

"You mean you were a-"

"Yes Zach, I was a virgin. I was saving my virginity for someone special.. but that was taken away from me. Do you know how shitty that feels??" I ask and he lowers his head. I look at my hands and I fumble with my thumbs. It sucks. I don't know when I was going to.. you know lose my virginity. I wanted it to be meaningful, not just some random hook up. I wanted it to be passionate, and with a person I truly love, not Harry. I remembered his name from the name tag, and he kept telling me while he was, you know... that I was "Harry's girl". Ugh just thinking about that makes me sick.

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