Are They Stalking Me?

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Sophie's POV

I wake up to my dreaded alarm sound. I open my eyes and look around. It is only 7 AM. I still have to go to work today. I groan in annoyance and pry myself out of bed.

I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower. I am about to jump in when I realize I can't get my cast wet. I groan in MORE annoyance. I walk to the kitchen and grab the saran wrap. I wrap it around my cast and put the box back in the drawer. As I am walking back to my room, I look around my apartment. I miss seeing my parents around. Right now, my mom would be making breakfast for me and dad. It would be her signature dish, eggs scrambled with chocolate chip pancakes and bacon (for my dad). She would always make a big deal about making breakfast. She would always say, "If you don't have a good breakfast, then you won't have a good day."

My dad would just sit on the couch and watch the news before he had to leave for work. He worked at a law firm in downtown LA and my mom was an event planner. It's easy to say that they were both busy all the time, but they did always find a way to make time for me. We would go out for family dinners when we could, but that was rare. We always had breakfast with each other though. Whenever they weren't working, they would be with me. It was my 14th birthday when all of that changed.

I remember it clear as day. Mom and dad needed to run to the store to pick up my birthday cake. How I know it was the cake was they got in their accident on their way back from the store. A tractor trailer ran a red light at full speed and t-boned my parent's car and killed both of them instantly. There was birthday cake all over the inside of the car. I was very confused why they were taking so long to get home, but that was when there was a knock on the door and police entered the apartment. They told me that my parents had passed away and that I was going with child services. I was distraught at the time, but they took me anyways.

When child services were looking for people to adopt me, Kenzie's family stepped up to the plate. They adopted me and bought my apartment. They pay the rent and let Kenz and I live in it. I am forever grateful that I have a friend like Kenzie. I wouldn't be in the place I am, both literally and figuratively, without her.

I look in her room on my way back to the shower and she is sound asleep. I wish I could be sleeping right now. I go back to my shower and put on my playlist. Redbone by Childish Gambino comes on as I rinse off.

After my shower, I dry myself off, I change into my uniform, and dry my hair. I put on a little makeup because I look like a mess from being in the hospital. I go out to the kitchen and check the time, 7:35 AM. Great! I grab some cereal and pour it into a bowl. I pour some milk in, grab a spoon, and sit down at the table. I turn on the news to see a dreaded headline.

"Why Don't We band is seen leaving the hospital after accident with teen girl" Great. JUST GREAT. What do they have to say. I frantically grab the remote and turn up the volume. 

"Two days ago, Why Don't We was leaving the studio when they hit a teen girl crossing the street. We do not know who this girl is, but we do know that Zach Herron was seen carrying her into the hospital after the incident. We later saw them leave without her. She left the day after with a cast on her left arm. We hope she has a quick recovery. For the Why Don't We boys, there have been no charges against them. An insider says that the boys are, 'deeply and truly sorry for the mishap, and hope she recovers quickly and healthy.' Isn't that sweet. We will let you know if there are any more updates. Now we will be right back after the break."

They have pictures of me leaving the hospital. Great. My boss won't be too happy with this. He's such an ass. My boss is Jared. He has been at Steam Café for three years now just bossing people around. I think he is a little too comfortable around me as he always is watching me and around me. He is also a dick in general. He isn't nice with customers and messes up orders often, but we can't say anything because he is the boss. The owner is never there because they have another store across town that they work at more.

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