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Daniel's POV

Sophie looks like she is going to murder Aubrey, and to be honest, I would be okay with it. Her usually happy bright face is cold and hard. Her jaw is clenched and I look to Kenzie. She looks scared and angry at the same time, and I have never seen that before. Sophie starts to tap her foot and Kenzie's eyes widen. She twitches her hands a couple of times and then she does it.

Her right hand swings up to Aubrey and her fist collides with her jaw. I swear I hear a snap and Aubrey flies back onto the ground. Sophie jumps on top of her and starts to hit even more. Aubrey slaps her, but it is no use. Sophie is too strong. She doesn't even flinch. She grabs Aubrey's wrists and pins her down to the ground. Aubrey whimpers in pain and Sophie just smiles. What the hell?

We all jump forward and Jonah is the first one to grab Sophie. He pulls her back and Zach grabs her. Aubrey stands back up. She has blood running from her nose and parading down her shirt. "YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY!" She yells and Sophie just laughs mischievously. What Aubrey said seriously set her off.

"You know, I am. I am crazy, but you're just as crazy as I am. Why don't you tell Becca that I said hi! I don't know what you have up your sleeve, but you need to stay the fuck away from Zach." Sophie spits and Aubrey smirks. What? Am I missing something? 

"I went in there on purpose, and I make no promises."

"I'm not surprised, and there is no need to promise because you will stay away from him." Sophie sneers and points at Aubrey. I look to the rest of the boys weirdly. What is she talking about? Zach furrows his brows as he holds Sophie in his arms. Aubrey sighs and shifts her weight onto one hip.

"If this is how you want to settle this, then let's do it. Right here, right now." Aubrey says and shakes out her shoulders. Before anything else can happen, Kenzie steps in.

"No. Not here. Do it somewhere else, not in a restaurant." She says sternly and I don't understand what she's talking about.

"Three days. Landon street. You better be there." Aubrey spits and walks away. What the hell just happened?

We all stand in silence and Sophie slumps down, but Zach supports her. Corbyn wraps Kenzie up in a big hug and Jack, Jonah, and I are just standing there in shock. Sophie can really pack a punch. I mean damn girl.

Suddenly, Sophie starts to sob. Sob like I have never seen her before. She nestles her head into the crook of Zach's neck to muffle her sound. It makes my heart ache seeing her like this. I can only imagine what is going on inside her mind.

Sophie's POV

No words. No words can describe the feelings that are in me right now.

I'm a monster.

I'm a monster.

I need to get out of here. The walls are caving in on me. I can't breathe. I need to leave, but my body isn't letting me.

What is wrong with me? Why can't I function? I just want to scream out, but my mouth won't open.

Why the hell would she say that? Obviously Becca told her how it affects me, so why do it? What satisfaction does that give her? The guys probably think I am crazy. Shit, I do too. And Zach; oh my god. Who knows how he feels right now. He probably thinks I am insane. What if he's scared of me? Oh no. God please no.

I wish my parents were here to help me. They would have the right thing to say...

Zach's POV

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