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Sophie's pov

"Yooo they look adorable!!" I hear someone say.

"SHHHH you're going to wake them up!" another voice says.

"I'm going to wake them up? Pfft please."

"You both are now stop it." Kenzie says and I open my eyes. Zach's face is millimeters from mine. His eyes are shut; his little snores fill the room with noise. He looks so peaceful. I turn my head to see the rest of the boys and Kenzie standing there looking at us. The room is super bright and I pull the covers over my head. I look down and both Zach and I do not have clothes on. Shit.

On queue Zach opens the covers and looks down at me. I smile at his sleepy face and he giggles. He sits up in the bed and starts to talk to our visitors. "Hey guys. How long have you all been up?"

"A little bit." Jack replies.

"Check my snapchat story." Jonah says and Zach grabs his phone from the charger. I stick out my hand and search for mine. I grab it and pull it under the blanket. I go on snapchat and see the cutest picture ever. Luckily it is only our heads. It has a caption couple goals. I smile and put my phone down.

"It's nice to see you all, but I need to get changed. ¡Adiós!" Zach says and I hear them file out of the room. I pull the covers down and Zach stands up. Everything is showing... everything. He is sooo fine. I'm so lucky.

"How did you sleep?"

"Best rest I have had since the womb." I joke and he laughs.

"Same here." He says as he walks over to me. He bends down and kisses me and I run my fingers in his hair. His lips are soft. I love the feeling of them on mine. Zach breaks the kiss and I sit up and pout. My entire chest is exposed, but I don't care. Zach goes into the bathroom and I decide to get out of bed. Today is going to be a busy day. I have to oversee every little detail of this party. Your girl is in charge!!!

I stand up and go to the closet. I decide to put on a jumpsuit with heels. I grab a bralette and some matching underwear and put them on. I LOVE when my bra matches my underwear. Then I slide the jumpsuit on and strap on my heels. I brush my hair and go into the bathroom. Zach is in the shower and I decide to prank him. I peek in and he isn't looking, so I switch the water from hot to cold and pull my hand out. "AAH SHIT THATS COLD!!" He screams and I laugh uncontrollably. He shuts the water off and his head appears from behind the curtain. "Oh, so that's how you want to play? Fine. Two can play at this game." He says and opens the shower curtain. His manhood is in full display and I blush and look away. He starts to run towards me and I jog out of the way. Before he can make it to the door, he slips and falls straight on his ass. I start cracking up as he groans in pain. "Shit. Why did I think that was a good idea?"

"I don't know. You should know by now that I always win." I say and wink at him. He rolls his eyes and I blow him a kiss. "Now quit fooling around we have a busy day ahead of us." I say and turn around.

"You look amazing babe." Zach says and I pause and turn around.

"Why thank you! You don't look too bad yourself." I say while winking and he smiles and gets off the floor. I decide to give him some space and I go downstairs. I am STARVING. Kenzie is the only person in the kitchen and I open the pantry. I think I'm going to make some cereal. I grab some Luck Charms and she comes up to me.

"Did you and Zach... you know.. umm-" Kenzie stutters.


"Did you and Zach fuck?" She replies bluntly and I widen my eyes.

"What? No! Why would you think that?" I say and I feel bad for partially lying to my best friend, but whatever.

"You got close didn't you?" I guess she can catch my bluff..

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