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Sophie's POV

Harry stumbles back and I run for it. I stumble at first, but I gain strength from my adrenaline. My heart is beating throughout my entire body as I grab his keys and open his van door. He turns around as I put it in drive. He starts to run for me and I floor it and accidentally hit him. Jk, it was so on purpose. Besides, I only got him with the headlight! He falls to the ground and I throw the ring at his head. "FUCK YOU HARRY!" I yell while crying as I speed out of the warehouse. It is in the middle of a desert, but I see a road with some cars on it. I speed towards it and I get on the road. This is my chance.

I am FLYING down this road. I am weaving through cars when I see police lights flashing behind me. I pull over to the side and I see that there are two cars. PERFECT. As the officer comes up I start to cry, but tears of relief. Finally, I will be saved. He walks up to the door and has a gun pointed at me. I put my hands up and he lowers his gun. "Is your name Sophia Anderson?" He asks and I nod shakily as I lower my hands. "Okay. Can you tell us where Harry Richardson is?" I nod and begin to talk.

"He is in that warehouse over there. He kept me there and beat, and raped me. Please get him." I say while hyperventilating.

"Sophia please you must calm down. Don't worry, we will get him. You don't have to worry about that." He says as he talks into his speaker. "I need back up. We have located Harry Richardson and Sophia Anderson. Repeat I need backup. Sophia is safe, but Harry is still armed and is a threat."

"Thank you officer." I say as he opens the door. He shields his eyes and he grabs a towel from the side of the seat.

"You're welcome. Here, use this to cover you up." He says and hands it to me. I look down at myself and I am covered in dried blood and bruises. I can only imagine what my face looks like. I look in the rear view mirror and I look horrible. My bags are dark purple and my face has hollowed out. I am super thin and my hair is distressed. It's flat and greasy and it looks longer too; longer and unkempt. My teeth are a light shade of yellow, when they are usually white. I cannot believe I look like this. I can only imagine if I stayed longer. I would have died.

I wrap myself in the towel and step down. I hear distant gunshots and I hope they killed him. That bastard doesn't deserve to be here. I shudder at the cold and I walk towards the police car. The officer opens the passenger side and lets me sit down. He shuts the door and walks to the driver's seat. "We are going to get you to a hospital. They shot him, but he is still alive. They have him contained, so he won't be a problem to you again Ms. Sophia." He says and I smile widely.

We drive off away from that horrid place. . Now I leave that behind. It's gone. My worries about Harry are gone. He's dead. Gone. I start to cry as I look out the window. We drive for about 5 minutes when we pull up to a red light. I see a purple car come racing through the intersection and I start to laugh. Who owns a purple car?! That's awesome, then I realize, Logan does. What if that was Logan? I need to call him, but I don't have his number! I'll call Daniel. I memorized his number.

"Excuse me, but can I make a phone call?" I ask and the officer laughs.

"You're not under arrest. You can make as many as you want." He gestures and I smile in appreciation. I am grateful that this officer is so nice. I open his phone and type in the number. I hope to God he answers.

Daniel's POV

We are racing towards the warehouse. We are about five minutes out when I feel my phone ring. I look down and I don't know the number. I decide to pick up anyways and I am glad I do.

Me- Hello?

SOPHIE- Daniel I-


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