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Zach's POV

I shut the driver's side door and look over at Sophie. God she is gorgeous. How am I so lucky to have her. She has her legs pressed together with her hands held together as she looks out the window. She looks at me and I just smile. Her teeth are perfect, and her eyes. Oh her eyes are truly a sight to see. She is truly amazing, and I cannot be more fortunate to have her in my life.

That is why I am going to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight.

I haven't had a girlfriend since Aubrey. I fell head over heels for Aubrey and she broke my heart. One day, she just said she was done with me and just left. She took her things and walked right out of my life.

I was hopeless.

I thought no one would ever love me. I didn't think I could love anyone else, ever. I shut myself out from the world, and started to write. I wrote songs. It was my way of expressing my feelings. I have never showed them to literally anyone, not even the boys. Aubrey was crazy, and still is.

Every once in a while, she will contact me and try to get back together. I shut her down every time. I'm not just a toy for her to play with when she gets bored. I am not her last resort when no one else will pay attention to her. I do not love her anymore. She hurt me so much that I could never love her again, but she doesn't seem to understand that.

I look over at Sophie and she is humming the notes from the radio and watching the scenery from the car ride. I put my hand on her thigh and she turns red. I have the perfect date planned out for her. First we are going to go get ice cream. Next we are going to go to this trail that leads to the top of a mountain. There is a road to drive on, so we don't have to walk. Once we are up there, I packed blankets in the back and we are going to watch the sunset over LA. That is when I am going to ask her to be mine. Then we will drive back to the house, and it will be amazing. Hopefully by then I will be able to call her mine.

We pull up to the ice cream place and I park the car. I quickly run to the other side to get the door for Sophie. "Thank You Zach." She says and smiles at me. Her smile makes me happy.

"You're welcome." I say and take her hand and lead her into the store.

"I love ice cream!" She gushes. She ends up getting mint chocolate chip and I get cookie dough. I pay, even though she puts up a fight.

"I am taking you on a date, so I pay." I say and she sighs in defeat. Not this time, or any time Sophie. We sit outside on a bench and eat our ice cream. I look at her and she stares back at me. Suddenly, she takes a dollop of her ice cream and puts it on the tip of my nose.

"AH! You're going to pay for this Sophie. This means war!" I say as I take some cookie dough and put it on her cheek. She gasps and starts to giggle. I can't help but laugh too. We probably look ridiculous, but I con't care. I am having an amazing time with an even more amazing girl. She tries to lick it off but there is no use. Her tongue won't go far enough. I take a napkin and wipe it off her face. I get my nose too. It is about 5PM. The day has really flown by! That means the sun is going to set really soon. I quickly grab Sophie's hand and start to run to the car.

"What's going on?! Zach?" Sophie says panicked.

"We have to get to the second and final spot before time runs out!!" I yell as we get to the car. I open her door, wait for her to get in, and shut it. I run to the driver's side and quickly start the car. I speed off from the ice cream place to the entrance of the trail.

"Zach, I've never been here before. Where are we?"

"We are at a trail, I don't know what it is called, but it has a gorgeous view at the top." I say while trying not to disclose a lot of information. She nods and looks around as I drive. Even the drive up to the top is breath taking, but I am racing against the sun. We finally reach the top and there is no one here... perfect. "Here we are. VIP seating to the best view in town. The infamous LA sunset."

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