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the next morning..

Sophie's POV

Ally comes into the room. "Well Sophie, you are free to go! The doctor signed your paper. Go down to the end of the hallway and take the elevator to the second floor. That will lead you to the main lobby. It has been a pleasure serving you. Best of luck in your life!"

"Thank you so much Ally! I won't forget you." I reply.

"Thank you for helping my best friend Ally." Kenz says.

"Your welcome!" She starts to walk out when she turns and says, "Oh and by the way, if you don't date one of them you're wasting your time. I saw one of them looking at you with hearts dancing around his head. Something about him told me he wanted you. I would take the chance if I were you." She says and walks out not letting me reply.

"Well, let's go!" Kenzie says as I get up off my bed. I grab my phone and my clothes from the day of the accident. The hospital washed them for me, so I could still have them.

We follow Ally's instructions and go down the hallway to the elevator. Kenz punches the 2 button and down we go. As the elevator doors open, I walk into the lobby. It's gorgeous. I have never been here before. It is filled with modern sculptures and pretty flowers.

We walk to the doorway as I admired the modern architecture. Kenz gets the door for me as we walk out, and we are rushed by paparazzi.

"RUN!" I yell as Kenz and I hook it down the street. We live only three blocks from here, and I didn't break any legs, so we run at full speed. I'm still in a little bit of pain because of my injuries, but the medicine helps to knock some of it out. Once we get to our apartment building, we lose the paps, but they most likely have pictures of me. Let's hope this doesn't blow out of proportion. It was a minor accident, and Zach didn't mean it.

We brush off after our run and enter the elevator in our building. To think, if I wasn't late to work that day, I wouldn't be in the position I am in now. Weird.

Once we reach our floor, we walk to our apartment: 3B. Kenz grabs her keys and opens the door. The place looks like brand new. The cleaning ladies usually make our apartment look nice, but this looks spotless. I'll have to tip them well next time!

I walk to my room and set my stuff down. I look down at my arm. My fluorescent pink cast is something I need to get used to. The doctor, well, Chad said that I cannot get it wet, but I need to shower. I decide to wrap it in clear wrap and hope for the best.

I undress and get in my shower. I hit play on my bluetooth speaker and "Perfect" by Why Don't We comes on. I start to get in my feels and sing (correction scream) the lyrics out. Listening to Zach sing makes me warm inside. Then I stop and think, but there's no way he likes me. He has so many other girls he can be with. I'm just another fish in the sea. There are so many other prettier, nicer, more talented, and overall better girls than me. 

I brush it off because I don't want to get discouraged and finish up my shower. I dry myself off and throw my hair in a bun. I throw on my favorite maverick hoodie (always plug) and lay down.

It is almost time for me to go to bed, but I am curious if Zach will answer his phone. I just met him but when I looked at him, I got butterflies in my stomach. His eyes do something to me that I can't explain.

I unlock my phone and type in his number. I made his contact name Zach 🔥. I take a deep breath and start to type.

Me- Hey Zach it's Sophie!

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