Peace Man

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Sophie's POV

It's night time and Kenz and I are debating if we should stay here or go home. Jack and Daniel have been debating on either playing Fifa or watching a movie. I have never been a big video game person, but I love how intense everyone gets. I also love soccer. Kenzie, Jonah, and Corbyn are sitting on the couch watching them debate. Zach is in the kitchen and I am in his room. I'm laying on my bed and I go through social media. I see a link to one of Logan Paul's vlogs. I click on it and it pops up on youtube. The boys are in the thumbnail so I click it and watch.

In this vlog, Logan was directing their "Nobody Gotta Know" music video. I loved the idea of the video and I thought it was really cute. Seeing what happened behind the scenes is really cool. I finish the video and change out of my romper. I throw my joggers and shirt on and walk out of the room. Zach almost runs into me as I turn the corner.

"Ahh! You scared me!" I say as he starts to laugh.

"Well I didn't mean to! I actually wanted to ask you something."


"Do you think we could.. uh.. go out tomorrow?" He asked shyly.

"Zach Herron, did you just ask me out on a date?"

"Yes.. actually."

"I would love to. What are we going to do?"

"I was thinking we could go and explore a little bit, you know, just me and you against the world!"He says.

"I don't think you can get any cuter." I say. Shit did I just say that out loud?! Zach just smiles and grabs my hand. We walk towards the living room where everyone else is. They ended up deciding on Fifa and Jack and Jonah were playing against each other. I sit down next to Zach as he wraps his arm around me. We sit and watch the boys play and I occasionally laugh.

"Jack, you should switch up your passing patterns because Jonah is catching up to yours." I say and Zach looks at me.

"Do you know how to play Fifa?"

"No, but I played soccer for 5 years." I say and Zach's jaw drops.

"That's awesome! I learn new things about you every day! Is there anything else I should know?"

"I played volleyball for 5 years also. My favorite color is gray and I love ice cream. I love dogs. I am 5'4 and I have brown hair. I'm a size 7 shoe size and my zodiac sign is Leo. Good enough?" I say and Kenzie starts to laugh. We are the same person lmao.

"Great actually." Zach says and I rest my head on his shoulder. I do not remember much after that. They decided to put on a movie, but I don't know which one because I was half asleep. Jack and Daniel would occasionally play fight each other and Jack was dancing all around. Jonah was singing and walking around the house and Corbyn and Kenzie were snuggling on the other couch. I drifted off to sleep on Zach's shoulder.

Now I am sitting in Zach's bed alone. How? Couldn't tell you, but what I can tell you is that someone is cooking, and it smells amazing. I walk out of his room to find everyone else in the kitchen eating breakfast. Jonah made eggs and bacon for everyone. "Oh God it's alive!!" Daniel says as I glare at him.

"Good morning sunshine." Zach says as he comes and hugs me.

"Ugh when will you make it official." Jack groans as Zach glares at him. I originally had feelings for Zach, Jonah, and Jack, but now those are gone. I only like Zach.

I only love Zach. Am I really in love with him? I can't get him out of my head. I love to be around him. He makes me happy. There's something about him that is pure and sweet. He's an angel.

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