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Sophie's POV

It has been one week since I was in the hospital. Zach and I started to get back into the swing of things. We figured everything out and are back and even better. I love him with all of my being, and I am so lucky to have him. Everyone else in the house is doing great. Jack found another girl named Agostina and she is super sweet and gorgeous. She's a literal model. No seriously, her profession is modeling. They are not official yet, but I have a feeling it is coming because they are too cute together. Daniel met a girl named Danielle. It still cracks me up how their names are the legit same thing. I call her Danny girl. (Danny Boy.. Danny Girl.. I'm too good) 

Jonah and Samantha split up, for... reasons, but he is talking to another girl named Alyssa. She's super funny and is OBSESSED with Harry Potter. It's like they were made for each other.

As for the EP, they changed the name to Why Don't We Just, and are releasing it tomorrow. I cannot believe how far the boys have come, and this is only the beginning. We are having a huge party at the house and for some reason, Jeff put me in charge of everything. I have almost everything organized: decorations, food, music (well that was easy, it's going to be the EP on shuffle and then the queue from it), and activities. I just need to get the boys to tell me who they're bringing again, because I lost my original list.

Right now, everyone is in their room as it is 7 AM. I had a meeting with Jeff this morning at 6 about my song. We are going to play it tonight at the party and release it in one week. I was shaking at the meeting when he told me. I literally cannot wait for the boys to hear this. Especially Zach, because the song was written for him...

I run into the kitchen and grab some pans. I tiptoe upstairs and into the hallway by their rooms and start banging them together. "BAND MEETING INCLUDING KENZIE DOWN IN THE LIVING ROOM IN FIVE MINUTES!! BE THERE OR BE SQUARED PEOPLE!!!" I yell and start to laugh. I hear plenty of groans and complaints as I run back downstairs laughing. I feel so much better than I did. I am going to get over this, with these boys by my side.

Five minutes have passed and only Kenzie, Corbyn, and Jonah are downstairs. "Why are you waking us up at the ass crack of dawn Sophie?" Jonah says sleepily as he sits on the counter.

"Why not! And besides look at this VIEW." I say and gesture to the window. It is actually breathtaking. I sigh as I look outside. How am I so blessed to have this? I can't believe it. I turn back around and no one else has come in. "Who wants to prank the others with me?" I ask and they all nod. Corbyn finds a random air horn and Jonah grabs a guitar. We decide to serenade the boys to wake up. We walk upstairs and I grab the guitar from Jonah and Kenzie gets the air horn. Corbyn grabs his phone to record our song and I start to strum the guitar.

It's 7 o clock in the morning,

you should be awake now,

but you are still sleeping,

I sing as Corbyn and Jonah join me.

and we don't know.... HOW?!?!!?!

Kenzie blares the air horn and Daniel emerges from his room. His hair is flattened on his face and his sweatpants are sagging. He doesn't have a shirt on, and his abs are in full show. He has a pillow in hand and throws it at us. I can't help but laugh hysterically, so much my ribs hurt. He walks back in his room and slams the door. We continue to laugh and Jack emerges from his room. I lose it more when I look at his hair. It is all over his forehead and he looks ridiculous. "I think I peed myself!" Corbyn says mid-laugh and we all crack up.

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