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Sophie's POV

We pull up to the police station and Zach gets my door for me. What a gentleman. We walk in and I go to the front desk. A woman in her late 40's is sitting there typing on a computer. We make eye contact and she shifts in her chair. "Oh my, what happened to you miss?" She says and I almost forget that my eye and lip haven't fully healed yet.

"I am here to report an incident." I say and she nods.

"Name please."

"Sophia Anderson." I cringe at my full name, but this is the police.. I can't use my nickname forever..


"16 almost 17"


"135 lbs"



"Eye color?"


"What happened?"

"I was raped." I say and her eyes go wide.

"Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry. Let's file a report and see if we can find the guy who did it."

"But I know who did it." I say and she furrows her brows.

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, but I don't have a full report on him, I just know where he works, and that his name is Harry. I have my friend Daniel here who can vouch for me." I say and point to Daniel. He waves slightly to the lady.

"Oh aren't you cute! Okay I will get someone for you just sit in the chairs right there." She points to a row of chairs behind us.

"Thank you." I say and we all walk towards the chairs. I am sandwiched between Zach and Daniel. Zach has his hand on my thigh and I have my head against his shoulder. This is going to be hard, but I want him to get caught. I take a deep breath and Zach kisses my forehead. We wait for about 10 minutes when a man in a dress shirt and pants walks out of the door. He looks oddly familiar, but I cannot put my finger on it.

"Sophia Anderson?" He asks and I stand up. Everyone else stands when he stops himself from walking. "Only two people can come with you." He orders and I look around. I definitely need Daniel to come with me, and I should probably have Zach come too. It's as if they read my mind. Corbyn, Kenz, Jonah and Jack walk towards the chairs and Zach wraps an arm around me. I need him to help me through this. Recollecting the incident will be hard for me. The guy nods and we walk through the room. We walk into a much larger room with desks almost every three feet. People in business attire were walking around holding papers and talking on phones. It was something right out of Law and Order. We finally make it to the other side of the room and we go through a door into a smaller room. There is a white desk with three wooden chairs in front of it. We all sit down and the guy opens his laptop. "So Sophie, can you tell me what happened?"

I take a deep breath. Zach puts a comforting hand on my back and I smile at him. I tell the guy everything I remember, including my dream/flashback of it. Daniel shows the pictures from it and we both tell him about the first time we interacted with Harry. Zach adds more details from when I was in the hospital and what caused me to leave the house in the first place. He also adds what I told him in the hospital while I was drugged. The guy types all of this into a report. When we finish, he says they would find Harry and confront him about everything. If they could get something out of him, they would contact me with a trial date. We thank him and walk out. Everyone is sitting in the chairs on their phones and they get up and I am in a group hug. I smile and hug back. I am truly loved. We start to walk out and I look back. Hopefully they get him. I just sigh and we all get into Daniel's car.

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