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Zach's POV

I wake up to see Sophie in my arms. I wish I could wake up to this every day. I look around to everyone else. Jack and Daniel are sprawled out on the floor, Jonah is at the end of the other couch, and Corbyn and Kenzie are snuggled on the other couch. Sophie and I are on this couch all by ourselves. I don't want to move and wake her up.

I'm curious to know what happened yesterday between Jonah and Sophie. Does she like him? Does he like her? Did something go down? So many questions I cannot think straight. I look over to Jonah and he is still asleep. I'll have to ask him what actually happened. It's not that I don't trust Sophie, not at all, but I think she isn't telling us everything.

Kenzie opens her eyes and looks at me. She looks down at Sophie and back up at me. She gives a thumbs up and walks to her room. I untangle myself from Sophie while not waking her up and I go to Kenzie. "Hey Kenzie, where is your bathroom?" I ask. I really need to pee.

"Oh I'm about to use mine, but you can go in Sophie's. She won't mind. It's down the hall and to the left." 

"Thanks." I reply and follow her directions. I get into Sophie's room and look around. It is so her. It has gray walls with a big bed in the middle with white covers. She had pictures along her walls and shelves with her clothes folded perfectly on them. She also has a desk with a bunch of papers sprawled out on it. I go to the bathroom and it is all white marble. Her room is really nice. I go to the bathroom and walk out. I take a look at the papers and they are all song lyrics.

I didn't know she writes. I start to read what she has, and it's really good. I keep reading when I look up and see Sophie lingering in the doorway.

Sophie's POV

I wake up alone on the couch. I look around and almost everyone else is awake. Jack and Daniel are still sleeping. Zach is M.I.A. The others are huddled together in the kitchen. I walk in and ask what's going on. "We are going to prank them to wake them up." Corbyn says.

"I'm in. What are we doing?"

"We're thinking we can pour water on them while they're sleeping. That will wake them up." Jonah says.

"No that's not any fun. Wait here, I've got something." I run to my bathroom to grab the shaving cream when I see Zach reading something in my room. He's reading my songs. He just looks up at me and his eyes widen. "What are you doing?" I ask nervously.

"Sophie, these songs are fantastic. You should-"

"Put them down." I say and he does so.

"Sophie you should really show these to-"


"Why not?"

"Because I said no."

"But they're so good!"

"That doesn't matter. They mean so much more than just words on a paper."

"I know that, but others might-"

"Zach, I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because they remind me of my parents!" I snap. "They passed away almost three years ago on my birthday and whenever I think of them, I write. I write about the amazing love that they had and what I wish I can have. I write about the great times we had. I write about the pain that I feel whenever I miss them. It's the only way I can truly cope with that." I say as he looks at me with shock. There are tears brimming my eyes as I sigh. Zach wraps me in a hug and sets me down on my bed. I'm shaking in his arms as he rubs my back. I really miss my parents. 

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