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Sophie's POV

I have been here for 15 days. How do I know? I have counted the sunrises. I have a great view of them through the rusted windows of this stingy warehouse. That's right. I have been in a goddamn warehouse for the past two weeks. Why am I here? Harry.

Harry has me captive. I am strapped in this chair with rope wrapped around my torso and my legs. My ankles and wrists are zip-tied. Harry is at work right now, still at Chipotle. He has followed the same routine since I have shown up here. He comes in the morning and forces me to kiss him. Then he forces me to have sex, then he goes to work. He comes back later in the day and hand feeds me. He then drugs me and unties me. I am unable to react quickly, so he throws me into the rusty bathroom. There is no mirror, so I cannot see how truly broken I look.

But I don't need a mirror, I can feel it. Harry has assaulted me verbally, sexually, and mentally. He hits me when I don't do what he wants. He rips my clothes off when I don't call him baby. Sometimes, I am naked at night, and I'm alone. No one, nothing around me. Just me and my sorrowful thoughts. 

This guy is a fucking psychopath. He thinks that we are together, and I have to play along. When I play along, he doesn't hit me as much. He'll hit me just to let out his anger from his work day, which I don't understand, you work at fucking Chipotle, but whatever. I can't do anything about it. I just have to sit here and sulk. Maybe I might die soon. Maybe it will all end. I don't want to die, but I sure as hell don't want to be here...

It is about 4PM and he should be here any moment. Why did this have to happen to me? What did I do to deserve this. How did he know I was going to be skateboarding at that exact time? What if he had an inside scoop?

Then it hits me.

He did.

He always talks about how much he loves his sister and his dad. They do anything and everything for him, but he never says their names. I need to figure out who they are. I start to think of people and the two that pop in my head are Becca and Jared.

Actually, that makes perfect sense. Becca always talked about her brother and how amazing he was, but I was never interested. She probably planned this entire thing out for me to end up with him.


That's exactly what she did! THAT LITTLE BITCH.

I cannot believe me it has taken me this long to find this out, but what about Jared? HE ALSO TALKED ABOUT HIS SON. Holy shit. I figured it out. They have been plotting for me to get with him for a long time. I cannot believe this. That family is fucked up I swear. Right on queue, Harry struts in and he smiles. "Good evening princess! How are you?" He asks and I smile. "A smile?? I haven't seen one of those in forever! You're starting to like me now princess, aren't you?" I decide to play along and nod. "Good, because I have wanted to ask you something for a long time. Ever since I have laid eyes on you, I have wanted you. Even though you lied about your boyfriend, I still wanted you, and I still want you. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me Sophie? We will wait until you are 18, but that will give us time to plan the best wedding ever. What do you say?" He says and I am in total shock. This guy is fucking insane. If I say no, he'll probably kill me, but if I say yes, I'm stuck with this asshole. It's not like Zach would ever come and help me, he's probably too busy with Becca. I look at Harry and he has a ring in his fingers. I look at the tag hanging from the bottom of it and the price. 6$. Wow Harry.. that Chipotle job is really giving you a lot of money.

I pretend not to notice and I nod. He looks at me wildly and I nod again. He smiles and kisses me. I decide to kiss back and he runs to his car. He pulls out a bag with fresh clothes in it. "Here, I bought these for you. I'm going to untie you, and you can change in the bathroom." He says and that's it. That's my glimmer of hope for getting out of here. I know where he puts his keys, and his car is always unlocked.. I nod and slips the ring on my finger. I kiss him to play the part and he smiles in the kiss. I break the kiss and he unties the rope. Hopefully he thinks I trust him, because that's the last thing I would ever do. As soon as he unties me, I'm going to punch him in the jaw and grab his keys. I'm going to hop in his van and drive away from here. I'm going to get out of here. I just need to drive.

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