My Shirt

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Sophie's POV

I wake up nestled in Zach's chest. His arm is wrapped around me. I look down and he doesn't have a shirt on, and I am wearing one of his. Did we..? No, I don't think we did.. I hope not, at least not yet.

Zach is still sleeping. He looks like an angel. His usually sharp facial features are softened, relaxed. He breathes in and out peacefully. He is truly an angel. I want to get up, but I don't want to leave at such a good moment. I try to grab my phone from the side table, but fail miserably. It falls to the ground and Zach stirs in his sleep. SHIT I don't want to wake him up. Or do I... He lays on his back and I sit up in the bed. How can I wake him up? WAIT I have an idea. 

I climb over and straddle his waist. I lean down and kiss him, but only once. His eyes flutter open and he smiles. I lean in and kiss him again, and he kisses back. I wish I could wake up like this every morning.

But wait, I can.

I break the kiss and look at him. "Good morning babe. How did you sleep?" Ahh babe. That sounds good coming from his mouth.

"Good! Great actually. Your bed is really comfy." I could get used to this. I think to myself.

"It's a lot better with you in it."He says and smirks. I hit his chest playfully and snuggle into him.

"I never could have imagined myself in this position right now, ever." I say.

"Me either, honestly. When I first met you, I thought you were so out of my league, even in a hospital gown, your looks were killer. I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world, and still do."

"Thank you babe." I say and kiss him. "I honestly thought you were so out of my league! I am a fan of your band and I never thought I would ever meet you, let alone be your girlfriend!" I say, and it feels good to say. I am Zach Herron's girlfriend. Nothing can make me happier now.

"It's weird how things happen." He says and I agree.

"It sure is." I say and we lay together for another 10 minutes? 20? I don't know how long it is, but it was amazing. I get up to go use the bathroom.

"By the way, you look good in my shirt." He smirks and I turn red and go to the bathroom. I take a pic of myself in the mirror and send it to Zach. I walk back out and he looks at me confused while holding his phone up.

"Since you like it so much, take a picture, it lasts longer." I wink at him and walk out of the room. I need to get something to eat. I walk into the kitchen and Jonah is there.

"Good morning Sophie. How was the date?" he asks and I smile. I tell him how I really feel.

"It was perfect. We got ice cream and then watched the LA sunset. I loved every second of it." I say and he smiles.

"That's really awesome. I've been meaning to talk to you. I'm really sorry about the whole trying to kiss you thing that day. I was just caught up in the moment and you looked really pretty and I couldn't control myself." He says in one breath and I am speechless.

He couldn't control himself?? Oh god what do I say. Before I can reply he continues talking.

"And don't take that the wrong way. I do not have any feelings for you. I like you as a friend, I just got caught up in the moment. Please don't take it seriously. I want it to be less awkward between us. I just want to be friends."

That is such a relief!

"Alright Jonah, I understand. I forgive you, and of course we can be friends!" I say and I give him a hug. He holds me tightly and whispers.

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