Perfect Timing

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Four Years Later...

Sophie's POV

I walk into our house and turn on the lights. Ahh yes, home sweet home. The living room is covered with white streamers and white and gold balloons. A large Welcome Home banner- painted by yours truly- hangs on the deep blue wall. The stone fireplace is lit (ITS LIT) and I sit on the couch. All of the decorations are ready to go!! Oh, I almost forgot that the last time I wrote was four years ago... I'll catch you guys up.

The boys' band is famous worldwide now, as am I on my solo career. They just finished their world wide stadium tour for their second album. Now they have a three month break before they release the next album. To say I'm proud is an understatement. They landed 10 minutes ago and Zach should be home any minute.

I just released my second album and I am happy about it. People love my music and I'm glad. I wrote every song on both albums and recorded them with James and Adam, as per usual. Jeff said that we work well together and I agree. It is still so surreal that I am producing my own music. I never thought that I would be in this position, ever.

As for other things, Kenzie and Corbyn got married!! I'm so happy for them. They really are perfect for each other. The wedding was a week before they went on tour and it was beautiful. They got married at this beach in Hawaii and had all their family and friends- including us, of course. Her bridesmaids were me (maid of honor), Agostina, Chelsea (Jonah's new girl), Jasmine (Daniel's girl), Corbyn's little sister Ashley, and her other friend Bernadette. It was really exciting!! She was so happy and so was Corbyn. All the boys and his brother were his groomsmen. It was a perfect day. Zach looked AMAZING in his suit; I guess he finally got to use the suit that he bought "for no reason."

Zach and I are still going strong. We bought a house together (hence where I am now). It's similar to the one they used to live in, but it is bigger. It's perfect for us. It has a nice kitchen with seven bedrooms (for guests and other reasons ;)) and a huge pool. It even has our own studio!! I honestly could live here for the rest of my life and be content, as long as I am with Zach. I wonder if he would ever propose to me.. Who knows.

I love him so much. I know it is cliché, but I honestly can't picture my life without him. Without him hitting me with his van, I don't know where I would be right now. I am so grateful for that day, because it is the one that changed my life forever. I cannot wait to see him. It has been four long months without him and they were long. Now I decorated the house for when he comes back. I made my famous stir fry and have some wine sitting in a bottle waiting to be opened. Yes I am 21, don't judge me. Want to see my ID? Yeah, didn't think so.

I am taken out of my thoughts when I hear the front door open. Could it be? I rise from the couch and walk towards the foyer. "Sophie?" I hear a wonderfully familiar voice boom through the house. It is! I run to the door to see the love of my life standing there. Zach is wearing all black everything with his keys in his hand.

"Zach!" I cheer and run to him. I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist. Tears start flowing down my face as I nestle my face into the crook of his neck. His hands are wrapped around me as he squeezes me tightly. Oh have I missed this feeling. "Oh my God I missed you so much Zach." I gush.

"Sophie you have no fucking idea how much I've missed this; how much I've missed you." He replies and I waste no time and smash my lips against his. He responds instantly and moves his lips with mine. Hell yeah I've missed this. He releases and I pout as he sets me down. "I would love to do that all night, but I want to just talk to you. I miss your voice." He says and I smile.

"Okay! What do you want to know?"

"Did you miss me?" I roll my eyes and he frowns.

"Of course I missed you!! You were gone for so long!!"

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