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Sophie's POV


"Zach it is not what it looks like." I plead. His eyes are wide and his hair is a mess.

"No it is EXACTLY what it looks like. You and Daniel have been hanging out a lot recently and now I KNOW WHY." He yells and I start to cry.

"No Zach-"

"No you listen to me Sophie. I am sick and tired of getting hurt. You know that I have been through HELL but I guess you just don't care. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN." He screams while crying.

"Zach listen to m-"


"GLADLY!" I yell and run out of the house. I can barely see where I am going because there are so many tears in my eyes. My head is pounding as I run away from the house. I don't know where I am going, but I don't stop. I just keep running. I need to get away from there. All I do is hurt the things I love; hurt the people I love. I have so many emotions rushing through me right now. I knew it was a mistake. "WHY AM I SO STUPID?!" I yell. No one is around to hear me as I stop and fall to my knees. "I don't deserve to be here. I don't deserve any of this. I am worthless." I sob and breathe heavily. I start to hyperventilate and everything goes black.

*time skip*

I wake up in a dark and wet place. I hear cars pass by as the rain drizzles on me. The ground is hard, and I am freezing. I sit up and pain shoots through me. I can't help but scream out. I look around and there is blood everywhere. My clothes are ripped and thrown to the side of me. My legs are covered in my own blood. It can't be..

I was raped.

I look over by my clothes and there is a note. It has horrible handwriting.

You're not taken now are you Sophie

You're mine now Sophie

I ball myself up, still in excruciating pain, and grab my clothes. I pull them over top of me as I shriek in pain. I try to stand up but I can't. My legs are too weak. I look around and I am in an alley in the middle of LA. I lean against the cold brick wall and start to cry. I close my eyes and let the rain hit my face. "Zach..." I plead out hoping he can hear me. "Zach please..." I say while crying.

"Zach I'm sorry.." I say and look at myself. I am losing a lot of blood, and no one is here to help me.

This is it I guess...

"Please someone help me.." I say as my voice gets quieter. I have no strength to speak.

"Zach...." I call out one last time before everything goes dark. I hear some yelling, but it is too late..

Zach's POV

I cannot believe her.

Why would she do this to me, even after she found out what Aubrey did to me. I never win. I always seem to get hurt. She ran out of our house and I collapsed in sobs. Daniel comes up to me and I almost punch him. "Get the fuck away from me Daniel." I sneer and he backs away.

"Listen bro it's really not what it looks like! If you let me explain then you will understand." He pleads and I sit back. Fine.. If he wants to explain himself, I'll let him, but it better be a damn good excuse.

"Then do it."

"Sophie asked me to come with her to get her cast off. Then we went together, AS FRIENDS, to get it off. The entire ride there, she was talking about how she wanted to talk to you and that she felt bad for what she did with the whole Aubrey thing. She was going to talk to you tonight, but she didn't want to bother you to take her. Then she was hungry and we went to Chipotle and it was her first time so we were super excited. You know, STILL FRIENDS. Then the worker kept trying to hit on her and she was really uncomfortable so she told him she was taken and kissed me right then and there. JUST AS FRIENDS. She then said she was sorry she did that, she just needed to get that guy away from her and you weren't there so she was pretending that we were together. We played the part until we were out of sight of the restaurant and now we are still JUST FRIENDS. Zach she loves you. Whenever I talk to her, she doesn't shut up about you. You jumped to assume something that isn't right, AND NOW SHE IS RUNNING IN LA BY HERSELF AT NIGHT. I don't KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT I'm GOING TO FIND MY BEST FRIEND." He yells and storms over and grabs his keys. She was getting harassed by a worker and SHE kissed him for a cover. He didn't kiss her and it was all fake..

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