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Sophie's POV

Jonah is bringing a girl over for dinner! I'm so glad he's moving on. I hope she is really nice because he doesn't deserve a girl like Aubrey. I go upstairs and realize I only have my romper and sweats with a shirt. I text Kenzie to come upstairs and she comes in the room two seconds later. "What's up Sophie?"

"I don't have any more clothes.. Do you want to run back to our place and grab some because I bet you need some too." I say.

"Yeah that actually sounds great. Let's go." So Kenz and I grab our stuff and walk towards the door.

"Yo Kenzie, Sophie where are you guys going? The pizza will be here soon." Corbyn says.

"We are going to run back to our place. We might not be back and if so please tell Jonah's girl that we said hello!" Kenzie says and Corbyn frowns.

"I don't want you to leave." He says and I almost scream. They are so cute together I don't know why they don't get together.

"Corbean I will be back. I'm not leaving you forever." Kenzie says and I can't help but squeal. CORBEAN that's adorable. They both look at me and Corbyn just laughs.

"You better not." He says and kisses her on the cheek. WHAT.

"Wait.. are you? umm"

"Yes Sophie. Corbyn and I are dating, BUT don't tell anyone yet. We are keeping it under wraps until they release the EP. They need to focus." She says and Corbyn smiles.

"Well, I am so glad you finally did that. If you two weren't going to get together I would have been so upset."I laugh and they do too.

"I just need to get some different clothes and I'll be back." Kenz says.

"Bring some extra and leave some here. Same with you Sophie. You both can leave it in the spare room." That's right! There is the spare room.

"Okay thanks Corbyn!" I say and we walk outside. I got an Uber and there was a girl much taller than me with light brown hair coming out of it. She's really pretty. I wonder why she's here, but then it hits me.

"Hi! I know this is really weird but is your name Samantha?" I ask and she nods.

"I would hope so! How did you know?"She chuckles and her laugh is adorable.

"Oh Jonah was talking about you. He said you were super pretty and couldn't wait to introduce us to you. I am Sophie and my friend right here is Kenzie."

"Hey!" Kenzie says enthusiastically.

"My boyfriend is Zach and Kenzie is with Corbyn, but it's a secret so don't tell anyone about Kenzie and Corbyn. They are members of Jonah's band, and we are the girlfriends."

"That is really cool! I'm so glad I could meet you guys before you... left?"

"We have to run to our place real quick but we will be back soon." Kenz replies

"Oh cool! Well, I hope to see you later!" Samantha says and we say goodbye. We get in the Uber and drive to my place. It isn't that far away, but it's too far to walk. The boys live right outside downtown LA, but I live right in the middle of it. Once we get to our apartment, we go inside and it is empty. Everything is left how it was when we left. I go to my room and grab my papers from my writing desk. I can put these in the spare room. I pack some outfits and I grab my laptop and charger. I got this as a present from my parents for my 13th birthday. It was the year before they died. I always put my finished songs on it, and recorded them on GarageBand.

I open my MacBook and see the song I was working on the other day. I have been periodically adding to it, and I ended up finishing it yesterday. I exit out of it and go to my only folder. It has every song I have ever finished that I have never shown anyone except Kenzie. The boys only saw a few of my songs, and they were unfinished. I shut my laptop and slide it in my bag. I go to the kitchen and Kenzie is sitting on the couch with a bag next to her. "You ready?"

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