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Zach's POV

The nurse walks quickly for my tired legs, but I could care less. I need to see her. I have to make sure that she is okay. These past 5 hours have killed me. I just want to hold her and never let her go. I feel so bad for this. She was naked and alone in that alley for God knows how long. I swear once I find the guy who did this he will be dead.

We weave through tons of doors and hallways, passing by numerous patients. It feels like I am wandering in this maze forever until she stops in front of a room.

Room number: 231
Patient Name: Sophia Anderson
Nurse: Angela

"She is in here." She says and I nod. I walk in and the curtain is shut. I open it and there she is. Eyes shut, hair distraught, sitting in a hospital gown. She has a black eye and her lip was busted. It has stitches on it now. Her lips are parted slightly as she takes little breaths. Her wrist is bruised. Even with her injuries, she still looks like an angel. I sit down in the chair and softly grab her hand and hold it in mine. She is weak right now, but she will get stronger. I will make sure of it. After about a half an hour of sitting in the room, I finally get the will power to talk. I stand next go her bed, still holding on to her hand

"Sophie, I am here. I will always be here for you, whether you like it or not. I am so in love with you it makes me crazy. I did not know why you kissed Daniel and I was very upset, and hurt. Now I know why it happened and I forgive you. I was stupid to assume that you were cheating on me, with Daniel of all people. Either way, whoever did this to you will pay. I hope you still feel the same about me when you wake up. Your love keeps me going. I love you Sophie Anderson." I say as a warm, salty tear rolls down my cheek. She probably didn't hear me, but I will say it again and again until her ears fall off.

I am in love with Sophie Anderson.

I sit back in the chair and drift off to sleep. I wake up every now and then to make sure she is okay, then I go back to sleep. I am lightly sleeping when I hear her groan. I open my eyes and her brows are furrowed together. She starts to shake her head and her heart monitor beeps quicker. She starts screaming out. "ZACH!! ZACH WHERE ARE YOU??!! HELP ME ZACH I NEED YOU!!" She yells and I quickly go to her.

"Sophie.. SOPHIE SOPHIE I AM HERE I'm RIGHT HERE." I yell and she opens her eyes. She shuts them instantly and reopens them slowly. I assume the light was too much for her sensitive eyes. 

"Zach? Is that really you?" She asks. Her voice is sweet and raspy.

"Yes Sophie, I'm here." I say as her heart monitor goes down. She scoots over in her bed and makes a spot perfect for me to lay in. She winces in pain with every move. "Sophie you don't ha-"

"I want to.. now come sit." She orders as I sit in the spot.

"Sophie I am so sor-"

"Save it.. right now I just want to have this moment. No I'm sorry's, if's, and's, or but's. I just want us, together." She says and takes a deep breath. I lay next to her and she nestles her head into me. We both fall asleep as the heart monitor keeps beating. I wake up and she is still sleeping. She looks adorable snuggled into me. I cannot believe that someone would hurt such an angel. I cannot believe some random stranger took her and rammed his-

"Hello Mr. Herron?" I sit up and another nurse walks in.

"That's me. What's going on?" I ask and she smiles.

"I am her nurse now, my name is Rachel. I have to give her her medicine. She wakes up for five minutes, then it knocks her out. I figured I would let you be in here while she gets it." She says and I nod.

"Thank you." I say and she smiles. She is very old, maybe late 60's. She's such a cute old lady. Sophie beats her by a million miles, but she's cute as an old person. She takes out a needle and injects it into Sophie's IV. It takes a couple of seconds, but Sophie's eyes widen and she sits up straight. She groans in pain as she lays back down.

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