Cast off??

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Sophie's POV

I wake up to the muffled sound of angels singing and bright lights. Am I in heaven?? No, it's just the boys warming up, but still.. I sit up in the bed and look around. Kenzie's bag is gone and my writing desk is nice and neat. I guess Kenz came in and cleaned up a little. That's very sweet of her. I decide to get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror at myself. My face looks better. The bags under my eyes are not as dark, and my hair is not as messy as it was yesterday. I get in the shower and start to sing the boy's song that I wrote. I am really starting to like how it sounds. I finish up and step out of the shower. I hear my door shut and I quickly wrap my towel around me. I walk into my room and no one is there. Why does this keep happening to me? Every time I am in the shower, it happens.

I decide to brush it off and pick out an outfit.

(a/n I think I'm going to start doing this now because I see it in a lot of other stories and I really like it.... And why tf not??? Comment and tell me what you think.. If I should continue this or if you don't like it thanks!!)

 If I should continue this or if you don't like it thanks!!)

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I brush my hair and leave it down in its natural waves. I brush my teeth and grab my phone and wallet. I open my door and Daniel is walking towards it. "Oh hey! I was just about to come and get you!" He says cheerfully and I start laughing.

"Perfect timing I guess." I shrug and he motions for me to follow him. We go downstairs and the rest of the boys are out back on their skateboards. I have actually never skateboarded before. I have always wanted to try it, but I have never gotten the chance. I look over at Zach and it looks like he has grown, height wise. He's taller than Jack now, and I bite my lip. I haven't seen him in a while. I need to talk to him later. Daniel and I sneak out and we get in his car.

"Thank you for doing this Danny Boy." I say and he smiles.

"Anything for one of my best friends. Besides, this is really exciting!!" He cheers as we pull out of the driveway.

(Daniel's car)

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(Daniel's car)

I put on the radio and it reminds me of when the boys made it on the radio. "Oh my god that's right!! I'm so proud of you guys for making it on the radio!! I was in the car and I was screaming every word. You guys have come so far." I say and Daniel smiles.

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