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Sophie's POV

Alyssa, Agostina, Kenzie, Danielle, and I are all sitting next to each other and getting pedicures. "Guys, I have some exciting news!!" I say. "I am releasing a song that I wrote!" I gasp and they all clap.

"I'm so happy for you Sophie!!" Agostina cheers.

"We need to celebrate!!" Alyssa says.

"Yes!!" Danielle squeals.

"I'm playing it at the party tomorrow." I say and they all cheer more. Then I realize something... I still need an outfit!

"I can't wait to hear it!" Alyssa says and I nod.

"I know. It'll be really exciting, but I'm in a bit of a crisis.." I say and they all gasp.

"What's wrong?" Kenzie asks.

"I still need an outfit for the party."

"Omg same!!" Agostina says and we all agree to go shopping after this. I am so glad I have some friends who are girls. GAL PALS!! Suddenly my phone goes off and I look at my screen. Jeff texted me.

Jeff- Hey! Aspen wants to hang out with you, I was wondering if you could chill with her today? She's coming to the party tomorrow and I want her to know you before hand.

"Hey guys, do you mind if Aspen comes shopping with us now?"

"Not at all!"

"The more the merrier!"


I smile and text Jeff back.

Me- Of course!! We are going to the mall soon for outfits for the party. Tell her to meet us here!

Jeff- Sounds good! Thank you

Me- No, thank you!

I lock my phone and sit in a chair to get my hair done. My usual long brown hair is getting to be long.. too long. I'm going to chop it to a lob. I always cut my hair short towards the end of summer. Everyone is standing around me as the hairdresser cuts away my hair. After he is done, they all gasp and clap. "Sophie you look amazing!!" Alyssa cheers and we walk out of the spa. I got a facial too and we all got manicures and pedicures. Agostina orders an Uber, and when it arrives, we all pile into it. The driver lets us use the aux, and I put my phone on. I decide to play my song. It starts and Kenzie starts cheering and yelling. "ITS HER SONG OH MY GOD!!!" The other girls just gasp. I start singing and they lose it. We jam out to the song and we reach the mall.

"That was a very good song. I'll think about this when I hear it on the radio. Best of luck to you." The driver says.

"Thank you very much." I reply. I tip the driver and we walk into the mall. I look over and a pretty girl around my age with blonde hair walks up to us.

"Hey! I'm Aspen!" She says and we all greet her.

"I know this probably sounds really weird, but you are super pretty!" I say and she blushes.

"Thank you so much. That means a lot coming from you because you're literally gorgeous." Aspen replies and I hug her. We went to a variety of different stores and found dresses for all of us.

Alyssa's Dress

Alyssa's Dress

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