Roller Skates

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Sophie's POV

"-Becca. My friend Becca is really pretty and nice! She's also really close friends with Samantha, Jonah's girl. I could ask her over and then we can set them up!" I say. Zach nods.

"Okay, as long as he is not alone with you ever again, I'm okay with it." He says. Damn why is he so overprotective!! I guess I need that lol. I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek. I get up and walk out of the room. I pull out my phone and find her contact number. I decide to call her, because why not.

Me- Hey girl!!

Becca- Omg hey Sophie!! How are you?

Me- I'm alright. Listen I want to hang out soon.. I may have found the guy perfect for you.

Becca- No way.. Seriously?

Me- I swear. You'll love him. His name is Jack.

Becca- I like him already.

We laugh as I continue.

Me- I don't know what we are doing today, but I will let you know when I'm free.

Becca- Okay sounds good. Love you Sophie!

Me- Love you too Becca

Becca- See you later!

Me- Alright bye!!

I hang up the phone and look at Zach. He is reading what I just wrote. It's not amazing. I think it sucks because I threw it together in an hour. He looks between the paper and me a couple of times then he sets it down. "Sophie, this is amazing." Of course he says that. Ugh.

"You're just saying that-"

"No I really mean it. I like how this sounds. I can already feel the rhythm in the words. You are extremely talented." He pleads and I smile.

"Thank you." I say and kiss his cheek. I don't know if I want to sing this one though. Maybe I can have Jeff find someone for it. I'm going to send it to Jeff first to see if it is good. Then there's my song.. I am still in awe. I can't wait for Zach to hear it, and for everyone actually.

I grab my bag and walk out of my room. Everyone is sitting on the couch watching tv, except Zach. He is right behind me and I catch a weird glance from Daniel. I shake my head and he nods. No Daniel, Zach and I didn't just have sex. I roll my eye and sit down. "What are we doing now?" I ask.

"Do you want to do something?" Corbyn asks and I nod.

"Let's go roller skating." Jack says and we all nod. Confession time... I've never been roller skating. I'm actually kind of nervous. Kenzie just looks at me nervously and I shrug. She has never been roller skating either. We both just start laughing and we walk out of our apartment. We file into Daniel's car and drive to the rink. Once we arrive, we walk in and pay for our skates. We all sit at a table and I start to lace up my skates. Kenzie pulls me aside.

"I'm super nervous Sophie. I don't want to look like an idiot." She says.

"Me either!! Maybe we can skate together at first until we get the hang of it." I say and she nods.

"Good plan. Let's go." We start to walk towards the rink and Kenzie and I both fall flat on our asses. We both start laughing uncontrollably and Corbyn runs over to us.

"Are you okay!? That looked like it hurt." he says while laughing and he holds out his hands for us to grab. We stand back up and Zach comes over.

"Are you ready babe?" He asks enthusiastically.

"Sophie has never roller skated!" Kenzie says and I glare at her. WE HAD A PACT.

"Neither has Kenzie!" I blurt out and they start laughing.

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