Mystery Girl

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Sophie's POV

I wake up to hear Kenz yelling at someone, as per usual. I try to listen to what she is saying, but she is so angry that I cannot understand her. I hear another voice. It is quieter, deeper, and smoother than Kenzie's. I open my eyes to see a group of guys facing away from me in the hallway. I can see Kenz pointing and yelling like a madwoman like I said.. as per usual.

I get up from my hospital bed and start to walk towards the door. "I cannot believe you weren't looking and hit my BEST FRIEND with your fucking van. UNBELIEVABLE! What did she do to you?!? Huh? NOTHING!" I had to cut her off because if she went on for any longer, she would wake up the entire hospital. 

"Kenz calm down. I am okay. These guys meant no harm to me!" I say as the guys turn around. My jaw drops. It's Why Don't We. The Why Don't We.

Holy SHIT. Damn they are more attractive in person, but they ALSO hit me with their van. Okay Sophie stay calm. Stay calm..

"Sophia we are so sorry- me especially." Zach said. I cringe at the mentioning of my full name. 

"First of all, I forgive each of you. You didn't mean to hit me- you know, with your van. Secondly, NEVER call me Sophia EVER. Please, I'm Sophie." I say as their faces light up. "What happened to cause this?" I asked.

"Well, we were leaving the studio and we let Zach drive because he just got his license, and he manages to hit someone 2 minutes into driving. He just wasn't looking." Jonah says as Zach frowns.

"It's okay Zach I forgive you, but be careful! Driving is a privilege not a right."

"I know, thank you." he replies. His sad voice is so cute. Aw, WAIT! Sophie what are you doing. NO he is out of your league.

"Kenz why don't you go back into the room while I talk to them for a little. You have told them how you feel I would imagine."

Kenz starts to laugh and walks into the room.

"Your friend is crazy." Daniel staggers.

"Yeah, she is something isn't she."

"Look we're really sorry, again. If you need anything please let us know." Corbyn says. I nod calmly, but little do they know I am "fan-girling" on the inside.

"It's okay! I will heal fully in 3 months, and until then, I get to rock a pretty sweet cast.The only downfall is that I am going to have a horrible tan line because of it." The boys start to laugh. At least they think I'm funny, or was that just a laugh of pity? Ugh. 

"I would- I mean we would love to have you over sometime. Here's my number." Zach says as he hands me a piece of paper with a phone number written on it. Did he say what I thought he did? 

"Thanks Zach. I will be in touch, but I am hungry and I need to eat something. See you later!" I say. Why am I pushing them away so quickly?

"Okay see you soon!" Jack answers for all of them as they walk out of the hallway.

I walk back into the room where Kenz is on her phone. "Everything is good." I say and she turns to me.

"Not really! Look at this." she says as she shoves her phone in my face. It's a picture of Zach with the guys carrying me into the hospital. The caption says "Who is this mystery girl that Zach Herron and the boys of Why Don't We are carrying into a HOSPITAL? What happened to her, and have we seen her before?? #mysterygirl follow me to stay up to date with all things Why Don't We" Followed by way too many hashtags. The picture is of Zach carrying me into the hospital with the boys following closely behind. My eyes were shut; I was unconscious.  

I cannot believe Zach carried me! That's really sweet. He probably is strong because I'm a fat-ass.

"The hashtag #mysterygirl is trending on twitter too. Luckily all of your accounts are private because they will find you." Kenz says. Great. Now I have the whole world searching for me. 

What do I do now??

Zach's POV

This girl keeps yelling at us! I feel really bad. It was my first time driving and I hit a gorgeous girl. Way to go Zach.

"Kenz calm down. I am okay. These guys meant no harm to me!" I hear a soft voice and I turn around.

Damn she's stunning. Her eyes are a pretty blue/green color and her teeth are flawless. She has a golden tan and beautiful brown hair. I hope she doesn't see that I am falling for her. Then it hits me, I hit her with the van. Guilt flushes through me.

"Sophia we are so sorry- me especially." I say.

"First of all, I forgive each of you. You didn't mean to hit me- you know with your van. Secondly, please NEVER call me Sophia EVER. I'm Sophie." She is so cute, and right. I did not mean to hit her with the van. "What happened to cause this?" she asks.

"Well, we were leaving the studio and we let Zach drive because he just got his license, and he manages to hit someone 2 minutes into driving. He just wasn't looking." Jonah replies as I start to frown. It was my first time driving! I was so excited and as I was approaching the crosswalk I was about to stop when she appeared out of nowhere. It was in the blink of an eye that she was rushing in front of the van. Before I had the chance to stop, she already took the blow. 

"It's okay Zach I forgive you, but be careful! Driving is a privilege not a right."

"I know, thank you." I reply. She's intelligent too.

"Kenz why don't you go back into the room while I talk to them for a little. You have told them how you feel I would imagine." I take a mental deep breath. Her friend is bat shit crazy. She starts to laugh and walks into the room.

"Your friend is crazy." Daniel says. I agree, but I would also do the same things for any of the boys.

"Yeah, she is something isn't she."

"You're something too" I think to myself, but the words never leave my mouth. 

"Look we're really sorry, again. If you need anything please let us know." Corbyn says.

"It's okay! I will heal fully in 3 months, and until then, I get to rock a pretty sweet cast.The only downfall is that I am going to have a horrible tan line because of it." At least she has a sense of humor. I stifle out a laugh and bite my lip. 

"I would- I mean we would love to have you over sometime. Here's my number." Shit. Way to go Zach. I hand her a piece of paper with my number on it. I try to touch her hand, but I fail.

"Thanks Zach. I will be in touch, but I am hungry and I need to eat something. See you later!" She says. I want to be with you Sophie, but you don't know it yet.

"Okay see you soon!" Jack answers for all of us and we start to walk down the hallway. I turn around to see her one last time. She walks back into her room and looks at her friend's phone. I turn around and keep walking. I hope she texts me.

We leave the hospital through the back entrance and get in our van. Corbyn drives us home and I can't help but imagine Sophie and I together. Daniel catches my eye and sits down next to me.

"I know you like her." he says.

"How? Is it really that noticeable?"

"Yes" the other boys reply.

"She's just perfect. I want to get to know her."

"If she texts you, that's your chance." Corbyn says. I hope she takes the chance.

Heyo!! double POV. did you like it? should I do more?? please let me know :) thank you for reading! Please vote and stay tuned for the next update💘💘-b

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